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Just funny and I think I bit my tongue in half

halo1998's picture

Beaver works in a hospital.  Beaver I'm guessing will have to get the COVID vaccine.  I asked SD if Beaver had gotten the vaccine yet.  Nope....and Beaver doesn't want to get it because it makes people special needs. took all I had not to respond..

No worries there SD, your mother is already special needs.  It won't harm her in the least. tongue has bite marks....

GWR also doesn't want to get the vaccine either....Darwin can kick in here at anytime for either or both of them.


justmakingthebest's picture

Makes people special needs... and she works in a hospital?? Wow...

I am still on the fence and worried about long term side effects but if getting it means DH and I can go on vacation somewhere warm and sunny- sign me up!!! Lol! Maybe I am not that much on the fence if I can be bribed with a trip!

halo1998's picture

my house so if DH and I or one my kids gets sick...guess where they are taking us.  Makes me very concerned about ever having to go there if she is the level of the employees they have there...(although about 18 years ago I did go there and they did save my there is that).


notarelative's picture

I've read that while Covid vaccines are not mandatory now, once the FDA gives full approval, it is likely that many health organizations will mandate Covid vaccinations for employment (as many do now for flu shots). What will Beaver do then?

As for me, as soon as I can, I'll be in line, wearing a short sleeve shirt for ease of administration (no matter how cold it is).

ndc's picture

I have several relatives who are doctors and nurses who've gotten the vaccine without issue. I'm anxious to get it myself, but it'll likely be many months, as I'm a SAHM in my 20s with no health issues.  Maybe the more people who decline it, the sooner we who want it will get it.

tog redux's picture

I work for a hospital system and got the vaccine Saturday. It's not yet mandatory in our system, but I hope it will be.

Only side effect I had was a sore arm, so far my IQ does not seem to have gone down - but give it time.  Blum 3

I look at it this way - over 350K Americans have died of COVID, plus all the other deaths around the globe.

Deaths from the vaccine so far? ZERO 

halo1998's picture

Autism or some other adverse side affect....  smh.....

I will be a long time from getting a vaccine due to the fact..I work from home and I am certainly not critical will be awhile.

I'm still mystified by this particular brand of crazy....because if she was referring to vaccines causing autisim...that study was disproven years ago and as a mom of a kid with an autisim spectrum disorder...uhm he was like that from the get go.


advice.only2's picture

Okay you say Beaver works in the medical field? That is I think scarier than her stupidity at the lack of understanding biology and what a vaccine really does.

halo1998's picture

at the hospital...not an actual medical professional. worries there other than that paper work must be a mess.

My own mother was a hospital pharmacist for 30+ was mandatory she get all sorts of vaccines/tests if she wanted to work in the hospital.