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Update- I'm Out!!!

GreenEyedSM's picture

Hello All- Just an update for all of you who have helped me tremendously through the last year. I have not been posted for a couple of months & boy has a lot happened!
First- I decided I had enough of DH's BS & laid out an ultimatum... counseling or I'm leaving. DH said the same old stuff & refused to go to counseling (saying,as always, he does not believe in it & no one will tell him how to live his life).
Second- After much thought & finally getting my head out of my ass.... I left.
Third- I am soooooo much happier now!!! It was hard at first, but I feel so much relief now, not having to deal w/ his & BM's BS.

I moved into my own home. I live my life the way I want to... & have reconnected with many of my old friends who DH had not liked due to many being male. Of course, all the time he spent w/ BM was fine, right? Not weird at all.... Ugghhh, whatever!

My kids even seem happier... I know they feel more comfortable in our own home, without all the weirdness that surrounded us before. Even a 9 & 11 year old seemed to realize things were not quite "normal" before.

I am at peace... Finally. The divorce was final last week & I am ready to enjoy life... whatever it may bring.

I wish you all luck with your unique & challenging situations... May you continue to love & enjoy your families, or if need be find the courage to realize & change what may not be right.

Love to all- GESM


TheRealMom's picture

I am so happy for you. It sounds like this move was what you and your children really needed. I am moving out today. So it is encouraging to hear that relief will soon be mines too.