What Brought You Here, And what have you gained?
What brought you to this forum? Some of you are long time members, and others like myself have recently joined. I've seen over the past few days a lot of misunderstanding between step parents...it happens. Every parent and step parent has a different idea of how to raise (or not raise) children, and it's subject to each individual situation and finding what works best for you. I think we can all agree that it isn't easy sometimes, and I've seen a few comments lately stating that steptalk never used to be this bad for bickering. I think as step parents we are trying to seek some understanding from people who may be in the same situation as we are, so in an effort to try and better understand one another I ask what brought you here.
A couple of weeks ago, I was feeling an overwhelming sense of stress and discomfort due to an upcoming skid weekend, and I noticed this feeling had been ongoing for quite a while. I was wondering if that feeling was "normal" so I googled "my step daughter makes me uncomfortable" and came across this site. After glossing through some posts, I decided to join in hopes that I could vent some of my feelings to people who understood, and I have had an overall wonderful flow of feedback from awesome people like yourselves
- GoodBye's blog
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And this blog is a
And this blog is a free-for-all! If you feel like stating why you disagree, by all means please do! I don't take things personally
What Brought You Here
What Brought You Here
EXTREME Guilt Parenting
And what have you gained?
About 50 pounds over the past 11 years from all the stress. I guess I'd have to include menopause into that mix too (in the interest of fairness)
I liked this site until my
I liked this site until my most recent post. It seems some people would prefer to focus on one tiny detail of my story and repeatedly criticize me for it rather than share their own experiences and have a mature discussion.
I deleted some of the
I deleted some of the comments that people wrote, repeatedly criticizing me for something I'm sure everyone has done. People forget stuff when they're in a rush to get out the door. Nothing worth dwelling on.
Very true. I wanted to hear
Very true. I wanted to hear about other people's experiences and how they dealt with the same kind if thing. I don't see the point in responding with picky little comments.
I'm sorry you all are having
I'm sorry you all are having a difficult time with these things
I have difficulties with pretty much everything mentioned so far as well.
Good to know!
Good to know!
I joined because I actually
I joined because I actually felt a little guilty for not letting my SD (then 21), her husband, and their 2 kids "stay" with us. I was looking for others who had been in that situation and I guess I wanted to know that I did the right thing. Or at the very least, was not a horrible person.
And that's what I gained, confirmation that it's okay to say, "No." That 2 adults and their children were not my responsibility and not my husband's, either. Especially since his daughter hadn't wanted much to do with us since she was 15.
We had a nightmare BM but my SD was relatively easy (until her teenage years).
That's great! We all feel
That's great! We all feel that guilt of self-doubt about some things I think, and it's nice to feel validated
Oh my goodness that's
Oh my goodness that's horrible! I'm so sorry
i found this site because dh
i found this site because dh and i were not seeing eye to eye on how to handle certain bumps in the road and i was looking for ways to make things better.
i lurked for a few years, but what made me actually join was my crazy-ass in laws and getting-worse-by-the-minute dumbass bm.
it was such a relief to feel not alone. plus a lot of us can have quite a bit of fun here throughout the day- laughter's the best medicine!!!
I came here because I fell in
I came here because I fell in love with a man and found out that he had three cancerous tumors. BM was the only one I recognized as a cancer when I first met him but since then I've realized that his kids are more than likely pre-cancerous growths that have the potential to suck all of the life out of him too someday.
Like others, I searched phrases like "my husband's ex is a sociopath" and "I hate my husband's kids" or something like that. Those searches brought me here.
What I got out of it: A place to vent my thoughts so I don't spew them all over DH in the heat of the moment. A group of people who offer very diverse perspectives on the situations at hand. It's nice to have the people in here who are going through the same things I am and feel exactly the same way I do, but it's also nice to hear from people who see things at a different angle and who can point out when I'm the one being unreasonable. This place has been a great resource for me. Despite individual states being so very different in divorce/custody/CS laws, I have also been pointed in the right direction for legal issues too.
I found this site because I
I found this site because I googled something in regards to Bm...I think, I don't even really remember but it was something about her and I found this site. This site has taught me SO much. I've realized that I do not NEED to try to put Ss first in my life because he has parents, I've learned about what boundaries are appropriate in regards to Bm. I've learned what boundaries need to be placed with in laws and over all I've learned how to navigate through this stephell without going crazy. This site has saved my relationship with my Dh and gave me the confidence that what I'm thinking/feeling isn't wrong and I'm not evil.
This place saved my sanity. I love you STalk!
Awesome! P.S. 1986 is a great
Awesome! P.S. 1986 is a great year to be born in
just sayin haha
1986 is a great year to born
1986 is a great year to born in!!
Awesome! P.S. 1986 is a great
Awesome! P.S. 1986 is a great year to be born in
just sayin haha
For me it was when searching
For me it was when searching for articles/insight on being a stepfather. I see a lot of items written for stepMOTHERS - books, articles, etc. There are very few resources for stepfathers. This board is a resource because there are at least a few stepfathers here in similar situations.
I was searching for "crazy
I was searching for "crazy baby mamas" or "why is his children's mother crazy" or something similar... I had honestly not run into anything like this in all of my life - and I've dated a LOT of guys. I couldn't understand how a woman could move children away from a LOVING father, stalk girlfriends (I wasn't the first that BM stalked) and just generally do things that were not in HER OWN best interest, like filing charges that could keep her ex from getting a job to pay for child support. Who the hell does that? Apparently, a lot of women. I was naive and didn't understand how a woman could use her children as pawns/weapons for control.
While lurking for about a year, there were a few people that I really started to like (StepAside, wayinovermyhead and NCgal1980 <--where is she anyway?!) and so I joined. I have learned a lot...and being on here has dramatically improved my relationship with SO. He follows rational advice and shows me changes. You wouldn't recognize this man from where he was a year ago. Boundaries with BM, putting his happiness above his children's wants more often, no more pouring alcohol on problems, proactive about defending his rights, and protecting ME from dysfunction. This site has helped us have conversations that we would have never had. And it's been my therapy!! Which is cool...because I don't have a ton of money for that.
I really truly appreciate this site so much!
Even my own family can't
Even my own family can't really comprehend how emotionally exhausting this can be. They are all more like, yay a granddaughter. They have no idea.
I came here and joined
I came here and joined because I felt like I was losing my mind and wanted to run away from SO rather then deal with BM. But I was pregnant at the time and wanted to do everything I could to save my relationship. I learned to have a voice. I had no one who could actually give me useful advice. Who better to give advice then people who are in the same boat. I dont always agree with all the suggestions, but it is helpful to read everyone's opinion and take the advise that sounds the best to you. You may learn that the things that sounded absurd before are the things you need to do.