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Gold Digger's picture

I am new. I think I visited this site several years ago as a guest and found it helpful. I just don't know where to start. It has been a 10 year nightmare as a is such a long sordid story I just can't get into. I am a stepmother to 2 boys age 14 and 19. Their mother has been poisoning them for the entire 10 years I have been in their lives. She has been using Parental Alienation on them the entire 10 years. I don't think she has spoken the truth once to seems at this point in time she has been successful.they both hate me and blame me for all the problems in the family.i have been nothing but kind and generous with myself and my time.sacrificed for them by not working and being a stay at home mom for them and my daughter.( She is our daughter,they share same dad) so anyway,the mother has managed to poison them to the point there is no longer a relationship between any of us. She has said horrible things to these kids about me. None true. How do I let go and move on?it is so hurtful to me.We live in a fairly small town. All my friends say not to worry because anyone that knows me/us, knows these things are just lies. We are good, honest people,doing the best we know to disengage without guilt? I know this is vague,but this is a 10 year long saga,that I am so ready to be done with. I started reading Stepmonster and wow! It is so sad that there are so many of us going through this craziness! I only have one acquaintance that has a similar situation.thankfully my friends are so sympathetic.i will take all advice.thank you


LemonGrassLove's picture

Just realize that you gave it your all and the chips fell where they did. Some people just never get it.

Gold Digger's picture

You are all being so kind and loving with your responses! Thank you so much for taking the time to read and answer. It is sad to say that I am glad I am not alone! I wish I was! I could type for 10 days straight and not be able to convey the nastiness we have been through! My husband is awesome through it all and sees the situation for what it is,no matter how difficult for him. I try to feel fortunate for that! We are in salvation mode for the 3 of us and thank goodness all friends and family are supportive! You don't know it till you live it!

skylarksms's picture

Same here. SM for 13 years. Skids are SD18 and SS17 and are both PASed out. SD has a son who will be 2 in March and we haven't been allowed to see him since he was 3 months old.

Although PB (BM) has been PASing them their entire lives, the Silent Treatment only started less than 2 years ago. Not sure what exactly changed.

I am very sad about the pain they cause my DH and I am sad that I ever allowed myself to care as deeply for those kids as I did. Now, I see them as PB's secret agent spies rather than DH's children.

Gold Digger's picture

I really appreciate all opinions! It is so reassuring to know that others have an understanding of this craziness!