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glynne's picture

Hi, I'm new to this website and I can only say that I wish I'd known about it earlier. I've been a stepmother for over 15 years. I've known my SD since she was about 8. We were close when she was young but that changed as she hit puberty. She became increasingly jealous, dishonest and manipulative. She's the classic drama queen. We don't even speak to each other now and it's been about a year of that. Finally, after 6 years of college and no degree I told my husband that she couldn't live with us anymore. I cannot take it. Initially, he was angry but he has come around and is beginning to accept the fact that his daughter needs to grow up. He is also accepting the fact that she and I may never be close again. How can you be close to someone you don't trust? I will not have a conversation with her unless I have a 3rd party to witness what was said. I understand that my situation is not unusual and that is a sad state of affairs.


Dee's picture

My SD is 6 and I am not looking forward to the trials you are experiencing. I know that most likely as she gets older our close relationship will probably suffer. Welcome to the site - there are a lot of insightful, compassionate, supportive people here.

OldTimer's picture

Unfortunately, I can't help you, but I wanted to say Welcome! My SS is only 10 and my SD is only 6... she doesn't even really know that I exist. But, I am dreading the teen/young adult years. Oohhh... (shivers)

She may waken up give her a few years. When I was at that age, I thought I had the world by the ass, and I tell you I got a rude awaken about 25/26. I started to realize my life was in shambles and I started to deal with my inner demons. It could happen to her, but later.

I would suggest though, that while you keep your distance, that yes, you should have her start to make her own choices in responsibility. She may not like it, but guess what, the baby bird has to learn to fly sometime. And I think she's old enough to know better at 24! Wink

Wink StepMom

Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...

divorce1013's picture

i dont want to live together or marry until we are she. Sd is 12 / ss is 10. I live in my own house,fiance and kids in their own ,I just fear we will have to wairt until the kids are grown. His son has alot of behavioral issues, He burnt the house down and doctors have diagnosed him with several problems

divorce1013's picture

makes me want to give him back the ring and rethink the whole deal