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Calling it off

girlonstage22's picture

I'm thinking of calling the wedding off. It's only a month away but I don't know if I can handle this. I love him so much and don't want to be with anyone else but the BM is going to kill me. I can't handle the pain SD is going thru even tho I know it's not my fault. I can't make the BM understand and I don't think I can do this anymore.

I dont know what to do! I love him but the stress is killing me. And having someone else running our lives is not what I had planned!


try2relax's picture

This is exactly how i felt and BM did run our lives for a while. If I think about it.... in some ways she does still, but I've learned to make the best of it. However, if someone had told me years ago that SS would end up making my life miserable, I would have rethought getting married. It sounds horrible. I love my husband. Adore him actually, but being really happy 4 days a week isn't enough for me anymore. Anyway, the skids do change. BM usually does too tho. it takes a while - a long while - for both.

kathleen's picture

I'm going to quote you "If I think about it.... in some ways she does still (running our lives), but I've learned to make the best of it.

I think, nothing has changed about her, but you have. If it is easier, it's because "you've learned to make the best of it"

That is what I learned from you tonight. Thank you.

Mary's picture

Don't let the BM ruin your life. Make sure your soon-to-be-husband stands up for you and your relationship. You 2 come before her! You 2 need to be a team!!!!

girlonstage22's picture

He does stand up for me but it just makes it worse. She is one of those who is completely controlled by her daughter's happiness. She throws all logic out the window for the sake of SD's happiness. Now don't get me wrong, I think all children should be spoiled rotten to an extent. But she gives complete power to SD. Like if BF wants to take SD to dinner on a night outside of visitation- BM will not help him get her. She lets SD decide. Well SD can't stand to be away from BM so she always says no. And BF doesn't want to make it worse so he won't put his foot down on some issues. I'm just afraid I'm setting myself up for heartache because it's this bad before we marry. I just want everyone to be happy. And what's really best for the SD. I just can't fight anymore with ppl who don't listen. I don't know what to do. I love him but this is killing me

chellebelle143's picture

I think BM probably gets off on SD refusal to go to dinner with your fdh. Ok back to your dilemma, you love this man, you state that in every post, so look at it like this, what if the situation was reversed? Would you want him to stick by you, through thick and thin? I think the answer would be YES. As for wanting everyone to be happy, well that is such a nice dream, unfortunately it isn't going to happen. There are people who genuinely revel in being miserable in this world, we have no control over this sad fact.

Let me give you a little advice, don't sweat the small stuff. IF SD doesn't want to go to dinner, let it go, if she continues to refuse, maybe dh should stop offering. If DH wants to take her to dinner, for a special Daddy-Daughter dinner, then just plan it when she is with you guys anyway. Just do your best to be good to SD and soon she will start to see that anything negative BM is saying about you or her Dad just isn't true. Actions always speak louder than words. Good Luck Wink

**How seldom we weigh our neighbors in the same balance as ourselves. ~Thomas à Kempis**

whoami's picture

having someone run your lives is exactly what is going to happen if you let it. i am - or should i say was - engaged and each day has gotten worse and worse. i myself don't think i can deal with the stress. i feel like i have aged significantly in the past year from all of it.

i am sure not all 'step' relationships are this way, but mine has been and it's so sad.

girlonstage22's picture

Okay I'm freaking out now! There are so many of women on this site who say they wouldnt do it again. But then there are those who say it is worth it. HOW DO YOU KNOW?! I feel like whoami has said- so much stress and aged significantly. I just don't know how to deal. I can't postpone the wedding bc of how much is going into. It's either call it off or go thru with it. Lots of money and time. I don't know. He's supposed to put his foot down with BM- we'll see

DYNAMITE's picture

If he loves you tell him your problem and you two might just feel the same way....

I wish I could sell her for what she thinks she is worth, I'd be a millionare. HA HA

girlonstage22's picture

For one I couldn't afford to postpone. It's 3 weeks from Saturday and everything has been paid. I made the mistake of having a full blown out wedding. If I were going to call it off would be one thing but to say oh we'll just wait a few months- that would be devastating.

I also don't think postponing would be much help. We put off me meeting the SD and that just made it worse. I think the BM is going to make my life hell no matter when we get married. In hindsight I wish I would have had a longer engagement for the thought that maybe the SD would be better. But I don't think postponing would be a sensible thing to do for everyone's best interest. Prolonging the inevitable is not going to help SD now. BM hates the thought of us getting married this month and she will always hate the thought of us being married.

MamaJenn24's picture

If you are so conflicted on both issues, that alone is a red flag the size of a barn door that at the very least, you should consider thinking very hard and serious about what you should do.

I think it will end up costing you more if you go through with the wedding and then down the road find out you made a mistake because you will have invested more of yourself than you have at this point. Weddings get called off all the time for many different reasons. But this is a very serious decision and even more so because you love your fiance very much. If you decide to call it off, yes it will hurt for a long time, or maybe not. Maybe you'll have to break up to make up and you could still get married to him down the road. Either way, you'll know that you listened to your heart and you did what you thought was right at the time. If you choose to go through with it, just make sure you have exhausted every angle that you can think of to making sure it's right for you, first and foremost.

The reason I can say this is, I speak from experience and I married a man I should never have married in the first place. We were married for many years and had four kids together and it was all because we never talked to each other before the wedding to make sure we were doing the right thing by each other. Yeah, there were some good things and good times in the marriage, the biggest being our wonderful 4 kids, but as a married couple, we were not meant to be together for the long haul. I would never say I regret it, but I wished I had listened to my doubts (and I had alot of them, believe me) and also wished that i didn't settle because I didn't think I deserved anything better.

Take what you want from this...and I sincerely hope that whatever happens and whatever you decide to do, that you have this web site as a place where you can get support and love and many many hugs.

Take care and be well...

chellebelle143's picture

It is natural to have doubts when entering into marriage,even when sk and bm issues aren't there. Some of this could be normal prewedding jitters. I work in the party/wedding planning industry, and it is totally normal for both brides and grooms to go through a "freak out stage". This is a huge decision, and I have often seen brides and grooms turn to their religious advisers, family members, or just each other to help work through these issues.

**How seldom we weigh our neighbors in the same balance as ourselves. ~Thomas à Kempis**

Most Evil's picture


overit22's picture

She's over and knows it you are the one he loves and she can't handle it.
Once she realizes she can't change anything between you two she'll get tired of it and move may take a while and who knows maybe it will just take the wedding.
Someone needs to tell her in calm ,zen way - your foolish behavior is not going to change any of the love and respect in our relationship and although you are miserable we are not AND even if you don't change it will always be that way.

Anonymous's picture

Love is great but it wears thin when problems with BM starting rolling in, huge legal bills, and when your life isn't your own anymore. In my case my marriage became ALL about DH and his skids. After awhile there is NOTHING I enjoy doing left.

If I had your choice. I would say as fast as you can. I wouldn't wish my life on anyone else. I am out the door as soon as I can escape

girlonstage22's picture

I believe any marriage will have problems and all love wears thin. You have to make it work. However I think this is apparent in any marriage with or without skids. Just a different type of obstacle. I am sorry you had a bad experience in your marriage and with your SKIDS. Hope everything gets better for you! Just think positively!

Anonymous's picture

But in a situation as a SM it is a no win situation. You are caring and paying for kids that will never appreciated you. DH taking for granted you will take care of his kids no matter what because it is expected. For me all of my money and time are spent on him and his kids. It is a struggle to do anything for my own because he is draining me. And in my case a beachhhh for a BM. I didn't know what i was getting into.

girlonstage22's picture

I honestly cannot accept your opinion because that is not true for everyone. I have plenty of friends who had step parents and were adored by them. I think every situation is unique. Once again I hate you had such a bad experience. Join with an account and talk to everyone here. It's a great place but your Anonymous status is not a good thing. Especially since you are negative about it all. Please sign up and talk to everyone! We're all here to help and it's free and you don't have to tell any specifics!