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Stepkid's BIRTH !!!!

Gia's picture

Have you seen the video?

Well, I DID!!! the video is in my house, in the video BM is naked :O ... OMG... I saw that. I'm traumatized! I wanted to tell DH throw that away!!! but... it is the birth of his precious princess :O !!!

OMG... He cried in the video, when she was born! ... I want that... I want to have a baby with him Sad

I want him to be as excited as he was with her!!! Sad

But I don't want a child until like 4 years from now...

I also never had *that* with my son. His sperm donor has never been part of our lives, so when he was born he wasn't there either, and that scarred me FOR LIFE... I need to have that "baby's daddy support" next to me... Sad


Whatever... I really HATE HATE HATE... that VIDEO my house :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:

Huge, saggy ugly boobs... lol.. OMG... :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:

Call the paramedics!!!


Gia's picture

He even cried when he was watching the video with me...

I felt so uncomfortable! and I hated it...

Am I a hater?

~You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's

melis070179's picture

He watched it with you?! I don't know, I'd feel very UNcomfortable with a video that showed her naked, birth or not! I was never naked giving birth! I'm sorry, but ewww. I didn't have either births taped, I didn't want them taped. Pics are good enough for me...and not of the actual birth! I'd make him store that in the attic or garage or something. Thats totally inappropriate in my opinion.

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

WowjustWow's picture

I'm with you Melis...I don't want anyone taping anything of me in a hospital setting. No thanks. I'm not even really fond of the pictures right after the birth. Not my thing.

Anon2009's picture

but we have the videos in our home.

Here is what we do. We let the skids watch them when they want- I just vacate the room. If they want to watch it with their Dad? Fine. I just vacate the room. Because as much as I loathe BM, I love my SDs and if they want to watch the video, they should be able to. I just don't have to be present.

I know for a fact that DH cried when both of his kids were born. I know that from what he has told me. Seeing him show such great affection for his kids is a big part of the reason as to why I love him so much.

I wouldn't ask him to get rid of the video. After all, it is his kid, and chances are that when you have a kid with him, then you'll want him to keep that video, and he might resent it if you asked him to get rid of the video of when SD was born.

Gia's picture

I wish I could "delete" Bm's scenes off the video!!! and just leave SD there... OR he can give the video to BM so she can show her daughter her birth video... but why does a "naked BM" thing has to be in MY houseeeee

I'm totally YUCKIFIED!!!!

it might be something totally immature, and I prob. will not ask DH to do anything with it, but it will bother me deep inside my mind... :sick: (and stomach)

~You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's

FuBaR's picture

I have had two children one natural and one c-section and I was never naked with my boobs hanging out and I sure wouldnt let anyone record my unforseen area either..Why was she naked?? ANd that shit would get outta my house in a minute its OUR house and she is not to have anything of her besides the kids in my houses..

You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.
Sir Winston Churchill..

Nymh's picture

I feel much the same way. Unfortunately we have NO videos of anything that's happened in BF's life - with or without BM in it. I actually would LIKE to see some footage of BF's life before me and important happenings like his son's birth and things. Besides school pictures, I have seen NOTHING of his life before me. Honestly I kind of want to know what BM looked like when he first met/married her too...he says she was really attractive and thin back then but I have never seen footage of that either.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

WowjustWow's picture

you watched it? I have a video of DH and BM at their wedding, but I've never seen it. In fact I forgot about it until I read this. I will give it to OSD when I get home, cause I doubt highly DH will want to keep it, lol.

There is not enough alcohol in the world to get me to watch a video of BM giving birth. YUCK-O!

I would tell DH to put it away somewhere you don't have to see it if he wants to keep it

Gia's picture

Why is that video of the wedding at your house? :O

And she is not giving birth (I didn't see her V area) it was a C section!!!

~You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's

melis070179's picture

well why in the heck was she naked?!

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

WowjustWow's picture

When I was unpacking DH's stuff when I moved in. He bought the house before we met, but never really unpacked the boxes until I moved in a year & 1/2 later.

He didn't even know he had it. She left it after the divorce. Like I said, I forgot about it until now and will be giving it to SD to keep.

FallingfromGrace's picture

That video would not be in my house. Eeeewww, and more eeeewwww. The kids' BM can keep it. There is no way I could have watched it! In my case, there is no video, but yuck, just thinking about it is gross.

"God grant me the serenity accept the things I cannot change; the strength to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."

Piza's picture

Okaaay, so that video would get lost down the road.

melis070179's picture

Thank the lord in my case there is no video of a birth or wedding or any of that in this world...barf. And if there was, thank god my DH wouldn't keep it!

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

FallingfromGrace's picture

You are a much better woman than me. That is one thing I could not handle. Hell, I didnt let them put the mirror to see my own son born, I sure dont want to see the skids born! I wouldnt want that video in the house.

Hats off to you - and I am being compeletly honest here, you do truley love your one can doubt that now! LOL! Good for you. I hope to get to your place one day, but right now I couldnt handle it.

"God grant me the serenity accept the things I cannot change; the strength to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."

Anon2009's picture

I think another solution would be to make a DVD out of any pictures DH has from that time- pictures of him holding the skid in the hospital (without BM present) and of him spending time with the skid as a newborn, so then they can still have something to bond over together, but BM is not in any of the photos.

I really do love my SDs. Most of my issues are BM-related. BM's parents pay her CS. BM has never worked a day in her life. BM is not a good mother and basically ignores her kids unless it is convenient for her to acknowledge them. I guess that now that she can't use them as pawns against DH, she feels they are useless to her! I just loathe so many of the life choices she makes.

Poor SDs Sad

Gia's picture

He found the videos of the childbirth and whatnot... so he wanted to show me in the computer... he "chose" some scenes but did not show me all of them... I saw him doing this, so the next day, I went ahead took the videos and wanted to see the parts that he had "skipped" while showing me... and one of the parts, was BM BEFORE giving birth, she was shirtless, and DH focused on her pregnant belly, but inevitably, also her... hmm... boobs... I know, Too much information... SORRY GUYS!!!... During the actual birth, she is not naked...

~You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's

melis070179's picture

Gross! I personally don't think he should have possession of this. That should be sent to BM to keep. Does she know he has topless videos of her? Or is she the type that would be happy about it?

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

anonygirl's picture

I can't even fathom a guy would save that and funny the new wife or s/o no less happens to find it, poor guy probably did forget so can't blame him. Actually I would be shocked upon finding it and might even need a stiff drink especially if she were naked, lol. Horror factor aside.....However, after showing my various girlfriends on poker night, and having a hugh laugh it would promptly go into the garbage. End of that. Sorry guys but this has to be the funniest thread to date, chuckle for the day!

Dawn-Moderator's picture

I think my retinas would be permanently scarred for sure if I saw that!!!!

I'm pretty sure there isn't a video but I've never asked. Hmmm, I'll have to ask just because now I need to know.

I doubt that there is a video. Dh and Bm didn't even have their own place to live. They lived with Bm's mother and bank robber father(before he got caught and sent to the big house). Dh and Bm bought nothing together. They only thing they had keeping them together was ss so I doubt they had a video camera.


Angel37's picture

Thank God that our hospital didn't allow videotaping births!! I would just DIE if I thought my ex looked at a video of me half naked, let alone showed anyone!!

“Every truth has two sides; it is as well to look at both, before we commit ourselves to either”~Aesop

belleboudeuse's picture

I read your blog, and when I started reading the comments, I couldn't take it anymore. The idea of having to watch my DH crying at the birth of his child in a video with his first wife was so painful to me I couldn't stand it.

Gia, I definitely relate. That's the most raw I've felt about being a second wife in quite a while.


- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)

BMJen's picture

daughters birth. That doesn't hurt me a bit. He bawled like a baby when he was rushing me to the hospital, when he saw OUR daughter for the first time, when the DR told him the C section had to be RIGHT THIS SECOND or I had a chance to not make it (placentia previa), etc. So I don't give a shit how he reacted to thier births. I'm glad he was the man that he's always been to be honest. He was supportive, happy, caring, and a great father from the beginning until time runs out! Woohoo for him. I love that he's a great dad, it shows me alot about him and is one of the reasons I love him like I do.

The VIDEO on the other hand is sicko dude. I could never watch the shit. Not that I wouldn't want to see the miracle of my SD's birth, I love the kid like I was the one birthing her!! But at the same time it's such a delicate moment, and the parents tend to be soooo happy and in love, I wouldn't want to see him loving her like that.

I think that green eyed monster would pop out if I had to watch it.

Oh and the nakedness, dude I would puke. Not just once, for daysssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.

Gia's picture

there were no "affections" in the video at all, actually BM was kinda pissed off the whole time, and not even once smiled!...

So that's good, and he has told me many times how things with her were totally unromantic, unspecial... etc... they were never married, and that is why he never wanted to marry her, because (he claims) he didn't love her...

I also know (hope) that he would be very excited if we decide to have a baby in the future... and also hope it will be vaginal, so it can be a different experience (from her c section) for him...

****SIGHS***** Aren't I silly? :?

~You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's

Zimka's picture

BM had already kicked my man to the kerb so he wasn't even allowed in the delivery room till his son was about 30 minutes old and then he didn't even see BM he just held his son and then handed him back to BM's friend ( the one who had called to let him know BM was in Labour)

BridgingTheGap's picture


LizzieA's picture

Poor Gia. What a trip watching that. I'm glad DH doesn't have videos. Hearing the stories is enough.
Esp. when he told me it took "one try" to get the boy--I had to train him that I don't want
any discussion leading me to picture them or any of his previous loves "together." Guys don't get it sometimes.
And I have a vivid imagination.
My one regret in life is that we didn't get to experience childbirth together--we aren't having kids at this point.
And, yes, "a good father" was on the list of what I wanted for a mate. Along with intelligence, humor, etc. I figured a
good dad would be mature and caring, both very attractive!

melis070179's picture

My DH didn't cry at SS birth (he had his doubts, was young, didn't want a baby and is just not a cryer) He did tear up a little once our son was cleaned up and he held him for the first time, but I really think that is only because when he was born he didn't cry, we didn't hear a peep from him for about 3 minutes and we got scared. They wisked him over to the table to clean him up instead of laying him with me, and DH didn't get to cut the cord (he didn't with SS either, but apparently just didn't choose to) He wanted to this time but they wisked him off to the table. So for the first 5-10 minutes after he was born we were all panicky (they were telling us much except that he would be fine because he already peed) and when we finally held him we both teared up, mostly out of relief. I didn't even cry when my first son was born either, and neither did his dad. We weren't exactly a very happy couple by then though, so I was more scared than anything.

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

Rilla's picture

There's no way on this planet I'd watch a video of my husband in his past life with his ex. Let alone one as intimate as giving birth. That's their private stuff. Nope.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

This post is super old, but it sounds like this unfortunate (and hopefully divorced by now) poster's husband not only showed OP the birth on video, but also some video of BM standing around naked and pregnant some time before the birth, which he just happened to still keep around and cry while watching. Wtf.