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BMs Blog

Gabriels Mom's picture

I'm bored at work and decided to visit Cuntalotapus's blog for some entertainment. She's been blogging a lot lately.

1. She views everything that DH does as trying to take SS away from her. She is livid over the fact that she can't participate in the weight loss research study with SS. The way she talked about it in her blog is that DH is somehow using it to take SS away. Have no idea what she's talking about. While I'm sure DH wishes SS lived with us all the time he has an arrangement he feels is pretty fair. He tries not to worry about what she does and sometimes has to remind himself that he has to let it go because he can't do anything about it. He doesn't actively look for ways to steal SS away or whatever she thinks he's doing. I think it's sad that she can't move beyond that point in her life. Maybe she feels guilty because she signed away her rights when SS was a baby and had to fight to get them back.

2. She's either still pining for my husband or she wants what we have. She wrote some weird blog about "what could've been, what should've been" that combined with some weirdo comments in coparenting counseling such as "we talk and get a long just fine as long as SHE(meaning me) isn't around" I don't know if that means she's mad because she can't force her will on DH because I have informed him of his rights as a father and helped him get the 50/50 he has now and shut off the ATM sign that was on DH's forehead, or if she still has a thing for him. I don't care. I know DH doesn't want her at all. He finds her disgusting but again I feel sad for her. If I was still pining away for my ex 12 years later I would hope someone would take me out to a field and shoot me. That's ridiculous.

3. Nothing is ever her fault EVER. I reread her why me blog and some of her other blogs and she seriously blames God, DH and her mother for everything that goes wrong in her life. Her mother is a horrible person. I've had to stop her from berating BM in front of SS. EFF that I don't like BM but I love SS and I'm not going to let her do that in front of him. I really really wish I could comment on her blog and tell her "your life is shitty because you make shitty decisions! It's no one's fault but your own!" *sigh*


Gabriels Mom's picture

LOL My sister and I like to read the blogs out loud as they are written and they make us laugh. Like she wrote a blog about losing weight. She said LOOSE instead of lose throughout the whole freaking thing. So we read it out loud saying loose- DH, my sister and I were ROTF it was so funny.

HadEnoughx5's picture

During one of DH and BM's counseling sessions to "co parent," BM said that DH was still carrying a torch for her. DH said what torch? What's makes you think that? BM said because you call me. DH says I called you recently because I got notice that there was early dismissal because of snow. I know you're never home and wanted to inform you so that someone would be home for our children.

When DH told me about the torch, I said can we use the torch to burn her at the stake! Biggrin

BM also thinks the same way as yours. DH and BM were fine until SHE became involved. SHE is TOO involved! Translation…I was able to manipulate DH until HE5 came and showed him my nasty and evil ways. }:)

They're so predictable. Dirol