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"Poor ss11, you're taking time away with his dad!!" Eye roll

Fullofresentment's picture

So I went for drinks with my friend last night who is 29, childless, single, regularly going out on dates and basically living the dream lol. Over the years I've stopped filling her in on step life because she can be very judgemental at times and I don't think she can fully empathise our situation at times.

So last night I'd had a margarita too many and she asked me how life was going. I filled her in on my situation where I had felt like dh did not have time for me in his life. I said though that dh had been making an effort since I threatened leaving and had actually told ss11 to watch tv on his own for half an hour so we could have a cup of coffee together. Her reply "poor ss, you're taking his dad away from him!!". I nearly smacked her! I will never make the same mistake again by divulging anything to her. Kinda laughing about it in my hungover phase this morning haha.


Fullofresentment's picture

Haha I agree that it'll be hard for her to meet somebody without baggage, well see what happens then and whether s begrudge herself half an hour out of the day with her husband. I think not Smile