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Think of the Children!!!!

FTMandSM's picture

Oh do I hate this saying....Just thinking back to some outrageous situations and how BM always tries to manipulate SO. Example: There was a Sophia the First (a disney princess show) party at a mall on a Saturday. Me and SO were going to take her to it. BM soon learns of the party, calls So to tell him about it. He informs her he already knows and had already made plans to take her. BM asks if she could go and guess what SO said YES!!! WTF are you kidding me??????? Side note: they do NOT get a long and she and I do not get along. I asked him why he agreed to say yes. He tells me it's what's best for SD and I need to put my feelings aside. Really?? I don't think so. After this woman has brought our unborn baby at the time into your drama by calling him a spawn bastard and stupid after she moved to her BF's parents house and refused to tell where he lived. Can we please stop trying to do favors for each other and realize that the three of us being in the same room with each other is NOT what's best. I retaliate with if you really wanted "what's best for SD" then you should have seeked couples therapy and worked it out for SD. Of course she could have just showed up to this event as it was a public event but she is too dumb to figure that out. Anyway...on the day of BM can't go because she couldn't get off work, so it worked out in the end. I am just so tired of the thought process "it's what's best".


hereiam's picture

Yeah, that statement doesn't really mean anything, it's just an excuse that they think cannot be argued against.

FTMandSM's picture

And I agree with all three of you! It is an excuse and there is nothing wrong with just SO and I taking her places. We don't invite ourselves when SD goes with BM and family to the fair or circus etc.

Sootica's picture

Lol sorry got to laugh our BM used to try this stupid line on DH all the time & he use to fall for it every single freaking time!That was until I blew my top one day & told him actually if ss mother was so concerned with what was "best for ss" she would have paid more attention to being a good mom & less time to being the village bicycle whilst with DH! Needless to say that nipped that in the bud!