Haven't been on here in a few days....
So I haven't been on here is almost a week, it feels like FOREVER!! LOL!! So Friday ninght we got the SD. She wrecked havack the whole weekend. Friday night, SD bit SO in the back. She was just laying on him and decided to bite him. Since it happened at 7pm, her punishment was to go to bed early. She hasn't been in her biting stage for over 6 months. She DOES bite at her moms house, and since we missed last weekend because her mom used a weekend, she apparently thought it was ok to start it at our house. Let's move on to Saturday....We drive an hour to go look at furniture with SO's mom. On the way back it's around noon and SO's mom wants to buy us lunch. So we just stop at fast food. Well as we are leaving, SD gets upset because she doesn't want to go and hits SO in the face with the toy SD got in her happy meal. He spanks her and makes her apologize. Then she cries all the way home.
Sunday comes along and we get a call from BM saying that SO can keep SD all night, but he has to bring her home in morning. (Back story: SO had asked to keep her last week on superbowl Sunday, BM said NO. We had friends coming over that has 2 little girls and they could play together.) So we get the last minute call, yet again. Now I wake up feeling shitty but still prep and cook etc for this party. Fast foward to Monday night, SO and I are both really sick. I'm so dizzy, I fall in the bathroom and get sick. I have a temp of 102. We go to the doc and we have the flu! Hooray. Bioson, who is 2 months old, so no flu shot, is at SO's parents house. So he stays the night there on Tuesday night. Wednesday, we get hit with a wonderful snow storm, but have to go get bioson from SO's parents. (A whole different story). And now SO is taking bioson to the doc for cold symptons to make sure he doesn't have the flu. Jeez, that's a lot to even type out. It's just been one thing after another....
- FTMandSM's blog
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I tell him that over and over
I tell him that over and over again. He never listens. That's what we paid the lawyer for right, so we won't have anymore issues with visitation.I feel like there's always a reason they have to change times or days, its aggervating.
Amazing how quick that flu
Amazing how quick that flu hits isn't it? DSO and I both were literally fine 1 hour and on the couches the next.
Hope you feel better.
Oh my gosh! I couldn't
Oh my gosh! I couldn't believe it. Woke up feeling like I get hit by a truck, multiple times. Completely came out of no where.
That's how my brother got my
That's how my brother got my niece to stop biting. I told him to do it, but BM would flip her shit. She would probably call CPS or something like that. And over react to the whole thing. It's funny how I hear about SD biting her mom, her grandma, and now her dad. But she has never tried to bite me, I think she knows better. Lol!