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I don't know what to do?

flowers's picture

A lot happened in 1 year since i came to canada, when i came i was so so happy finally i will be with my husband, i will get to know him and we will be happy, but nothing happened.First his Mom and his sister and her two kids live with us,his Mom she is 80 years old, and she curse alot, she claim that since i came to that house things start to dispere, then she start cursing me with or without reason ,so when i told my husband about whats going on, he didn't do anything about it, sometimes she curse me infront of him and he will not stand up for me, she calles me names like b***h or w***r and theif.......etc.And a friends of my husband she told that he is a mama boy, he listen to his Mom whatever she said he will do.A lot of problems going on in this relationship, i leave the house two times and i cameback becouse i don't have somewhere else to go to.I couldn't imagine that all the furniture and pots, everything in that house belong to his Mom,when i came to use the pots to cook or set on the sofa she will curse me and stop me from doing what i want.And my husband did not do anything about it,i though i came to my house where i can do what ever i want when ever i want but it's not the case here,nothing change, nothing happned.His Mom keep telling my huhsband to tell me the truth,and in the end he told me the truth,before i came from africa he sold the house to his Mom, becouse he is scared that i will take his house in case i divorce him, he said i did what i did to protect myself from you (me) or any woman i get married to.I couldn't believe my ears, we sopouse to be 1 in two,partner in this life,i don't wonna be with a man who scared from losing his house or he dosn't want children becouce he afraid that when i break up with him he will not see his children,i can't take it anymore.Plus he is cheap man,when we were living with his mom he will wait until his mom and his sister buy grocory then i can cook or eat and once i went to the hospital the doctor told me i have sever sever animia
my cells red are 78,it must be 140.I never had that until i came to canada.
Now we move with his sister until feb then we will move by our owen.I forgot to mention that his sisters don't talk to me at all just "hi" .In the first place they didn't agree that thier brother to go to africa and married an african woman and sposored her to come to canada, becouse its just for visa and come to canada.
I don't know what to do, i am not happy at all in this relationship,there's not a conversation between me and my husband.I tried to talk to him so many time about us and our relationship and our future, but no answer.i am alone in this country i don't have family or friends nobody and he knows that.He asked me to go to africa and get divorce there.would plz somebody help me i need to know if i divorced whats go to happned ? do i will have to go back to my country or what? i live in toronto canada.thank you.


SteppingUp's picture

I agree that you should check your immigration status if you are to get a divorce.

If you do not wish to get a divorce, you both need to seek counseling -- so that hopefully your husband will be a better support system for you and so that you can better understand each other's motives and intentions in your relationship.

ThatGirl's picture

Yep, you definitely need legal aid. I really do think you need to get out that house. If going back to Africa is the only way you can do it, so be it.

flowers's picture

Its a really hard for me to make a decision.But i thank you all for the answer.I really do appreciate it.