My Granny was such a smart woman.........
and the advice she gave has stayed with me thru my life
1.Don't ever give up on trying to look nice,you never know when you'll be single
2.Keep a stash of money,enough that you can leave at any given time.
3.Screw me once shame on you,screw me twice shame on me.
My granny was a realist see?
- Flippinexhausted's blog
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She also said never crap in
She also said never crap in your own back yard,I never really got the whole meaning in that.
Anyway,she grew up a Coalminers Daughter in Kentucky,said they were ecstatic if my grandaddy killed a coon or a rabbit for dinner.She came to Kansas City when she was 14 and married at 16.She worked in a cereal plant for 40 years and retired years ago.After my grampa passed I asked her if she would ever remarry,she said "I can't find my own socks let alone someone elses".She's still alive,but I haven't seen her in years.Last I heard she was living in Tennessee.I miss her
Great granny you had! Mine is
Great granny you had!
Mine is 87...goes to Bingo most nights...most days you can't find her! She walks to a hospital in front of where she lives...buys coffee for the nurses...sits and talks to anyone there who is alone w/sick family members, visits anyone from her senior community that's at the hospital...then gets on the bus, goes to the mall to talk to other seniors, etc...when I pick her up she always says "let's go out to eat anywhere there's beer or Pina Coladas! hehe
She is very health conscious...can bend over and touch her toes w/her hands...has no medical issues except she can't see very well...but she won't wear her glasses because she's too vain! Always has her hair, nails & makeup done...hehe
She's a great lady! Doesn't have many wrinkles either...hope I get some of her genes!
Thank you for that ! I
Thank you for that ! I brough on some great memories for me.
I miss my grandma terribly, she was a great role model and very much a realist, must be where I come by it.
she had some great sayings like that too.
I've never been close with my
I've never been close with my own mother,in fact I haven't talked to her in close to 6 months.My Granny was so different than my mom.My granny is so strong and was always there to lean on and no matter what the problem was she always said."We better put on a pot of coffee........
My GrandMother had the
My GrandMother had the phylosphy that "if you can't listen and learn you will have to feel".
She was absolutely right.
Best regards.