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She needs to

fedupinarkansas's picture

grow up. STBH's mother had his cell phone and EW called it and she answered it. Do you know that EW proceeded to curse her out. Called her bitches and that she was stupid and the only reason he is with you is because i didn't want him. So MIL hung up the phone. EW called back and MIL told her who she was. If she ain't about the stupidest woman i know. She did this because she thought that it was me answering the phone. I asked STBH what he was going to do about it. He was like my mother should have cursed her out. I was like no you need to handle that. The only reason she acts like that is because you have not put your foot down. He needs to grow some balls. MIL said that when she sees her she is going to tell her that she didn't appreciate that and that they are exes for a reason.


Sebbie's picture

NCP should have rights too!
The only thing your stbh said was that his mother should have cussed her out???????!!!!!!Now I dont have a clue how old stbh mother is, but what I do know is if I dont step up to someone for myself, I damn well will for someone I love...that is a load of crap. I KNOW my mother could handle herself(actually my mother would have been in that womans drive way before she could freakin blink, telling her what is what!!!lol) but the fact of the matter is it SHOULD'NT be her place to lite into stbh ex( or your's for that matter) the ex was calling stbh phone, and thinking it was YOU, stbh should be tearing ex a new ass right about now. I know my DH had a similiar incident happpen( but it was my at that time 16 yo daughter that answered dh phone for him, he was under the car) DH ex did same thing, started cussing my daughter thinking it was dare you answer dh phone, when you can plainly see my # on the phone!!!then lots of other b.s) My daughter just stood there with her mouth hanging what the hell.....So DH immediatly called ex back and told her she is NEVER,EVER to call his phone agian, that he had a home phone and if the call was important concerning ss then he would call back...but she had revoked her freaking privledges by cussing out my minor daughter(ex reply...thought it was that white trash your with) where DH told ex that I, his new wife had more class, beauty inside and out and was more educated in life and schooling then she was and it was because she thought it was me and ran off at the mouth, that she was no longer to call his phone,that I was not only his wife but my children and I ( his son included) were his LIFE and attacking any of us was a major attack on him, and would not be tolerated!!!!!Ex tried to control this too by calling his cell phone for about 2 weeks everyday,leaving messages that she refused to call our house to leave a message because she didnt want me or my children to answer the phone....Dh called one time and asked her, Are you really that MENTAL that you actually think ANYONE in my home WANTS to talk to you???!!!!!Another week of cell phone messages to dh and ex finally got the picture...left these sickly nice messages on our home phone about how she needed to discuss this or that with dh concerning ss.DH has and to this day sticks to what he told ex though...he doesnt return calls unless HE feels it is an emergency...furthermore he bought a cell phone for ss, so they could speak directly..Point is your stbh needs to step up and not only take care of the issue about the way ex spoke to his mother, but that she doesnt talk to you that way either or ever!!!!!!