fed up step mom's Blog
Its never easy
Well thank you everyone who wrote back. I can't tell you the deep breath I take when I hear back from step mom's that are going through the same crap. I really feel alone sometimes and my husband thinks I am crazy and all I care about is the money or the SCHEDULE. His argument is these are his children he wants them anytime he can get them. Mine is I went into this relationship knowing that he had 50/50 custody set up.
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Anyone out there that can give me some advice about
what works for custody schedules? I have a ss and sd that do a 2-2-5. We always have them Monday and Tuesday, BM always has them Wedensday and Thursdays and we switch every weekend. The kids are 12 and 14. Lately I have noticed that it is very stressful for them to pick up all their stuff and move houses mid week. I tried to suggest every other week with the switch day being Friday of Sunday. The BM won't have it. (I think more because I want it) not that it won't work. The only problem I am having is getting the holidays to switch parents every other year.
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Maybe someone can help me understand what to do next
Hi This is my first time trying anything like this. I've tried self help books on step parenting,we have tried counseling (as a couple and on our own), I have tried everything just short of leaving my dh who I love dearly and it is all because of his children and ex wife. I do not know where to start now that I look back over the last 7 years, I should have seen it all coming to this. But I was very naive to think I could handle it all. Let me try and explain I've known my dh for 7 years we dated for 4 years and finally got married a year and a half ago.
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