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COVID19 and custody exchanges

fakemommy's picture

Why is anyone still doing custody exchanges with this going on? I don't post ever, just comment every now and then, but I read every few days or so. I can't believe how many people are still writing about custody exchanges. 

Is anyone not doing custody exchanges right now? We are not. DH (cp) and BM worked it out very easily and just said no exchanges right now, we'll figure out make up time later. That was it. They aren't non-conflict either, but we all have other kids and family to worry about, so common sense won here. If my DH was ncp, we wouldn't get skids right now. It's not about just us. It is a social responsibility. 


lieutenant_dad's picture

We are still doing exchange, but since school is out until May 1st, it will likely be week on/week off. DH and I are both working from home, BM doesn't work, and her DH is a mechanic so he has minimal interaction with customers since he is in the shop. We've stopped all visitation with other people in our life.

Honestly, my fear is if we didn't take the boys, they would start going hungry sooner than later. BM is not a forward thinker and doesn't have the means to plan ahead (her own fault). The boys are probably safest this way.

We also don't have other kids in either house, and nearly everything is shut down right now, and the boys are hermits. They self-quarantine as a norm, so I'm not super concerned about it with them. If we had elderly folks or those who were high-risk here at home, I'd be far more cautious than I currently am.

donewithdrama35's picture

Probably because being on lockdown with skids is a nightmare!! If it wasn't our 2 weeks I'd agree with you but there is no way I'm dealing with this fresh hell any longer than that.

hereiam's picture

Thankfully, my SD is now an adult but if she were still a minor, I would not want her over for visitation. My DH has some underlying issues and I'm really afraid of what would happen to him if he were to get this.

Kee-khe's picture

We suspended visitation from SD8 last week and I plan to keep her away as long as this is all over. Sorry, not sorry. I have my baby boy to worry about and I have asthma myself. 

DH said so himself, BM shouldve gotten prepared. We're paying her like $50 more weekly for anything SD might need and that's it. No one else is coming into my home.

ESMOD's picture

I think it really depends on the circumstances.  If someone in one family is still going out for required work or school purposes.. or if someone in one home is high risk.. or cares for a high risk person?  perhaps suspending is advised.  But otherwise.. people are not on full lockdown... just reducing contact to slow/flatten the curve.  

We also need to understand that while cases here in the us seem to be spiking.. in reality... we are gaining more and more testing capability.. so it is inevitable that there will be more tests that come back posititve.  I think most people are at fairly low risk... but each situation is different... so everyone needs to make the decision right for themselves.

lieutenant_dad's picture

We're having to weigh the "will the boys be okay with BM if sh*t hits the fan?" stuff right now. Before this all hit, BM had no money after rent. I doubt she has the means to feed the kids, or get them meds if they do get sick. Day to day, BM manages. But in a crisis, she folds like wet paper.

It's definitely not ideal, but at least if they get here, we know they'll be fed and cared for.

ksmom14's picture

I've been stressed about this as well.

BM took all 3 skids last week Friday 3/13. Normally skids are with us and go to BM's every other weekend, except for SS18 because he has a job in our town so he only goes to see her every other thursday night. SS just turned 18 so he took off work and has been with her the whole time this visit.

Well BM works in the medical field (in an office healthy patient setting) but she's a floater so she goes to different locations CONSTANTLY, also BM's boyfriend who lives with her is in the same medical field, although he works at a single location. Their son together is still going to daycare.

Also, BM let SS18 go on a road trip with BM's brother to a state park.

Now all the skids are supposed to be coming back today....we have DD4 and DD2, I have athsma, and I'm pretty positive DD2 has athsma as well. DH and I are both working from home now and keeping DDs home with us and out of daycare.

I brought it up to DH yesterday about BM just keeping them since they've already have been exposed to so many more people than us. His reasoning is SS18 has to work this weekend,and he misses SD16 and SD14. We don't have any cases in the small town DH and I live in, but there has been around 40 in the big city BM lives in.

So frustrated, I hope if we do get it that mine and DD2's athsma doesn't cause issues Sad

Simpleton21's picture

I agree it is a social responsibility that idiots seem to be taking lightly.  My idiot DH of course still has to get SD on his scheduled time despite the fact that BM is treating school closing as spring vacation and letting SD stay the night at friend's houses and having friends stay the night with them.  Who knows how many people SD has been around.  We have cases now in the county that BM lives in but not the county we live in.  I know if I *gasp* suggest we don't get SD this weekend DH will get pouty and act like I am overreacting and BM will throw a fit about how DH is "not putting SD first".  Ugh!  It is a lose/lose battle for me :(  HCGUBMs with personality disorders do not care about social responsibilities or anyone else except them and crotch droppings. 

Cover1W's picture

I don't know what BM and DH decided, but YSD was sick when she left our home on Friday, a week ago.  I advised that she should not be around ANYONE  for 7 days after her symtoms are gone.  DH is taking this seriously, and he hasn't stated she's coming back yet - there's still not widespread testing so you have to be careful. 

Cover1W's picture

Spoke too soon.  DH announced 20 min before he left to get her that YSD is coming.  And she's here.  And if we go on lock down, oh joy.  And we were supposed to have pizza tonight, but now that YSD is here and she doesn't like pizza, no pizza.  DH gets to cook now for many, many, many days in a row.  There will be wine.



New_to_this's picture

It makes a lot of sense not to do custody changes right now. I really dread having the skids come every other week, but I totally agree that societal responsibility should take precedence. Although it sucks for me and honestly could bring my relationship to the brink, I don't think custody changes should happen at this time even if it means that I get the skids full-time and indefinitely. If both households can and are taking the same type of stringent measures, then custody changes can work. But, if it doesn't (like it seems to be in my case) then one parent should take the kids full-time and socially distance from the other family.

Simpleton21's picture

This would be the logical plan of action.  Maybe we can have governors put this in their speeches "we urge you not to drive kids back and forth for NCP visits during this time, it is what is best for ALL, not just your BM that needs a break"...LOL...that was a nice little dream thought Wink

Lizzylemon's picture

Our attorney told us we have to do the normal custody exchanges even though we have a shelter in place order. It's so rediculous! Bm is a disgusting pig who drops sd9 off with anyone who will take her. She's only going to bm on the weekends but I don't want sd9 to get us infected from bm stupidness. 

I am making sd9 not bring anything but her phone back and forth, am sanitizing the phone when she walks through the door as well as ordering her in the shower right away and washing all her clothes right then. I am also disinfecting her bedroom/bathroom Right before she leaves every week. 

It is rediculous that our attorney will not let us keep this child at our home for the duration of the shelter in place order. We have lots of food and a safe home whereas bm has no food and has a disgusting room she rents at a random party home. Oh and sd9 has been coming home with black eyes and a bruised face. We called cps and they refused to investigate because bm wouldn't take a drug test and they haven't caught her drunk or high yet. Wtf?! The governor needs to address custody exchanges!