The plot thickens
Ok so here is the conclusion to my earlier blog. Hubby took SS 8 home today at 6pm and when he arrived BM was waiting on the porch. SS 8 was carrying a bag of some toys and clothes for school we bought him and immediately she yells at him to take them back to our truck and to hurry up and get in the house and go to his room. When my hubby asks her what her prob is and why is she being mean to him after not seeing him for 4 days she snaps back and says that it is all my hubby's fault and slams her door shut! What kind of sick twisted bitch takes her anger out on her own child just because he likes to spend time with us? Needless to say we are calling our lawyer tomorrow and getting a custody battle together. This is enough we are sick of the bullshit and need to get SS 8 away from his psycho path mother!!! Has anyone been through a custody battle or know of someone in a similar situation. I mean SS is miserable and will tell whoever he has to.
- Exhausted SM's blog
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We are working to that point ourselves
But we aren't quite there yet. Sorry I don't have any experience or words of wisdom to draw from. But I'm pretty familiar with your posts, and I've got to say that you are definitly doing the right thing. As I recall, this has been a long time coming. I'd surmise it's going to be a battle, but you guys are the ones looking out for the best interests of the child, and that's got to get someone somewhere, right? The best of luck to you.
that's a handful
It just angers me how evil some BMs can be to put their kids through such ordeals so as to get back to their exes. I feel for your ss. Its a good idea to talk to your lawyer. He might be able to get a court order for ss evaluation. As you mentioned, the fact that your ss can express his feelings is a plus. Hopefully, something will work out soon so that ss environment can be changed before he starts to display some emotional problems. I have never been involved in a custody battle, but from what I read, sometimes the court process takes so long and in the mean time, the child's situation is not improving. If you have an aggressive lawyer, he might be able to show the urgency in your ss situation. Wish you the best and all I can tell your ss's BM is to grow up and realise its not about her anymore.
Custody Battle - Soon
I would definitely fight for custody if it has become apparent (sorry, haven't read your previous posts) that she is going to poison the child. We went through a very ugly, very expensive battle ourselves for that very reason. My first suggestion would be to interview several attorneys before you decide on one. Get the one that screams "Pit Bull" when you first walk into the office. Most attorneys are content to sit back and let you fund their kids' college while they get by with doing as little as possible. After that, just be prepared to have "the system" in your face constantly for awhile. Prepare yourself to hear BM lie about everything on the planet. Prepare yourself to deal with a ton of emotional crap. Repeat to yourself daily that you will get through it and you, your hubby, and the kids will all be better off at the other end. Educate yourself, in the meantime ( is a great site). I'd be happy to chip in any other information I can provide. It's a long, ugly, emotionally and financially draining process. I've made it my goal in life to help others get through it with less pain than we had! Good luck!
Thank you so much I really
Thank you so much I really appreciate it!