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Yet another disappointment - during a very bad time

evilstepmotherJ's picture

My best friend in the world is dying, cancer has eaten her body and she has been sent home under hospice care with about 2 weeks left on this earth. My stepdaughter offered to come over and make dinner last night since I was gone all day to be with my friend. I offered to make a dessert, which I did on Friday night. Last night at around 4:00 p.m., my stepdaughter texted DH that she couldn't make it and we would have to reschedule but "don't eat the pie that Evil made"....I am running on sheer nerves at this point but that was the last straw. My insides started boiling. Poor hubby was scrambling to come up with something for dinner since he knew I hadn't eaten all day. SD knows about my friend and has offered sympathy but seriously? You know I had very little time on Friday to make a home made dessert and you know we were counting on you for dinner. And now you want me to save the damn pie for you? Livid doesn't even begin to describe my feelings. I am DONE. She asked to reschedule next Sunday, I told DH no, until my friend passes I want nothing on my schedule - him and her can go out for dinner alone if they want but I'm SO FUCKING DONE with her. The pie is packed up to go to work today, at least my co-workers will appreciate it.


evilstepmotherJ's picture

thank you and I am so sorry to hear about your Dad. Cancer sucks, what it does to healthy, vibrant people is horrible. I hate it too.

evilstepmotherJ's picture

I would except I'm still trying to drop some holiday weight, I took it to work and every single person who had a piece was so thankful and grateful, made me almost feel good that my good for nothing SD cancelled

porcelian-doll's picture

I'm so sorry for how your SD acted. Your friend is in my thoughts in my heart. Pour your love onto her.