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Random rant about SD18

evilstepmotherJ's picture

I knew this weekend would bring with it drama. The SD18 had asked if she could bring her half sister (9) to our home for the local fair. We said no. How could we explain that half sister is a by-product of DH's ex-wife cheating with now husband. Not to mention we don't want to be liable should anything happen to half sister. SD also wanted to bring birth brother, DH's son (15) who never speaks to us unless it's his birthday or Christmas. Of course we are the bad guys, so SD whines to grandma and grandma says "sure bring half sister and brother, you can stay here". I knew it was coming, at the last minute grandma says "I can't handle all the kids for 4 days, you can all stay 2 days". So SD calls Aunt (who she never speaks to unless she needs someone), Aunt says "sure bring kids here". I woke up yesterday with my ears ringing big time, I can only imagine what is being said. SD arranges movie night for hubby and SS on Saturday night (tonight) so hubby and I make plans for Friday alone together. On our way we get a text from SD, "If you want to see SS you need to set it up today because he's going home tomorrow". SD says kids going home a day early because their mom wants them home Saturday, SS says going home early because SD wants a day off before starting college on Monday. Two big liars. Bet it has more to do with relatives who have realized how hard it is to take care of 3 kids for 4 days. Hubby and I had a good laugh. So we attend fair and get a text from SS, "I want to meet up with you to say Hi", meet up with him at the fair and he literally does just say hi, walks away with friends and sits 5 rows in front of us. REALLY? You haven't seen your dad is over 6 months and you can't even sit with him while watching the same event. Hubby says he doesn't care but is that possible? Have they both pushed him so far that he truly doesn't care about them anymore? Even I am still mourning the loss of the relationships at times. I so wish we could just move away and leave them both behind us.

Meanwhile it has been easy to detach from SD because she is never here. It's like living with a ghost except the remnants left behind. Today was the third time that I have found clothes in the washer/dryer that have been left there for 3 days. I feel like i'm doing wash at a laundry mat, constantly having to take her items out to wash our own. I can't figure out why but her room stinks and she constantly leaves the door closed tight. I am always opening the door and window to air it out. Caught her last week with her windows open and the air conditioner on, no wonder our electric bill is so high. I cannot wait for the day she packs her bags and moves out. She starts college on Monday, 75% funded by my University discount but have I heard a "thanks", nope, not once. Oh how I wish I never signed the paperwork for that discount. I will never sign for SS to receive it. He is on his own. I do believe the only way SK's would be happy is if we gave them our house and our paychecks and walked out. Hubby and I are both now working a full time job and a part time job each trying to make ends meet and allow for some fun money. SD is blowing through her money like nobodies business and will then claim poverty and cry to all DH's relatives about how we won't give her our money. I am so thankful though, that DH has see the light now, his eyes are wide open. Its to the point that even detached I cannot stand to be around her. I say as little as possible and hide out in various rooms when she is here. She is Miss Know-It-All, I mentioned some college required meetings that she needs to attend this weekend (I have worked at the University for 25 years and should know) but I am wrong and she is right. I was so proud of myself when all I said was "ok" and kept doing what I was going.

We are just sitting back watching now, we both know that by New Years there will be some major changes going on. We hate to admit it but we know SD will not even complete college fall semester, she failed one out of two classes this summer at the college because "the teacher is mean", yup, she's a victim of bad professors. Now she will not only have to take the required class again but pay for it again.

Hubby and I went on vacation a few weeks ago, thought it would be good to get away from SD and all the drama and what do we get? A text from SD's boyfriends "mommy", "SD is afraid to stay alone in your home so she is going to stay with us while you are away"..........are you frigging kidding me? 18 and afraid? I should note, we do not live in the city and there is virtually no crime where we live. Are you really that gullible lady? I sure hope we don't have a grandchild on the way soon but if so she already knows she will need to move out. We have told her quite clearly over the years that if she's old enough to have a baby, she's old enough to live on her own. These next few months should be very telling.

If i'm honest with myself, everything she does not bothers me, and I can't seem to get past all the things she has told people about how horrible I am. I now feel this need to live up to my reputation of an evil stepmother, to prove her right. It's very freeing being told how horrible you are because you no longer have to worry about anyone being mad at you...haha.


evilstepmotherJ's picture

Thank you, I have good days and bad days, but each day gets better. It sure is nice not to have to do anything for either SK anymore, don't do more than say hello. I will rejoice on the day that SD18 moves out. I'm betting it will be as soon as she fails fall semester and we tell her that she needs to pay rent to live with us Smile