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No can do

EvilAngel's picture

Softheart has expressed an interest in coming to live with us. I like her. She's basically a good kid when she is here. But her life at home is nothing but drama and a lot of that she brings on herself. At one point I was all for it. Now I'm not. I don't want to have to deal with BM or her for the next 4 years. Her mother is never going to allow this because Softheart is her baby sitter and cash cow. DH said that it wouldn't matter what BM wanted if we went to court. I do not want this to happen. Softheart would live with us then cry to go back to mommy dearest. She always does. I told DH I was not ready for all this drama and I should be included on anything that involved her moving in. This is my life too. He did agree but now I'm dreaded the fact that this could happen in the very near future.


EvilAngel's picture

Pretty sure me saying I didn't want this to happen without me knowing first was an indication I am not ok with her just moving in.

EvilAngel's picture

Did you read the original post at all? I said at first I was fine with it but now I'm unsure. If he wants her... Not much I can do but I would like a heads up before this takes place.

EvilAngel's picture

I have enough trouble trying to get him to parent Thunderfoot. I know it would be a nightmare with both of them living with us. He doesn't like to discipline at all! That's another reason she likes to play on his emotions. She knows he can't stand to see or hear her cry, so he caves and gives her whatever she wants.

WTF...REALLY's picture

Its a double edge sword for sure. Neither scenario works. This is why its stephell. Lol

EvilAngel's picture

I did tell him last night that I don't want her to move in. It's not that I don't like her but she comes with a lot of issues. Not to mention her BM would fight him in court so there would be another headache. His response was that she is his daughter and he wanted to do what was best for her. Which basically means he wants to do whatever she wants to make her happy. I am not on board with it because of that very reason. She doesn't REALLY want to live with us. She's just pissed at mommy and the family right now.

EvilAngel's picture

She does this every weekend when she comes over. She will get upset and say she wants to move in with us. I know that her home life with BM is pretty crappy and I hate that for her but I can't say that I want her to come live with us either. She called DH yesterday, crying that she wants to come live with us now because her piece of shit 1/2 brother was thrown in jail for statutory rape. There is always some sort of drama going on at her house. She is BMs baby sitter for her 2 younger 1/2 siblings and apparently her mom is always mean to her. (I don't believe that but I know how teenagers like to exaggerate things) We get along great now...but I think we both know that would change if she moved in with us. She's a bit of a troubled teenager and I know I wouldn't be able to deal with 2 of them.

EvilAngel's picture

The last time she visited, we talked about it. She was crying that she wanted to move in with us but at the same time she said she couldn't leave her younger brother and sister behind. I think she thinks her school life will be better here too. She always has some sort of shit going on at school. I don't think she realizes it's her attitude, not the school or the kids there. She tells me stories all the time about how she did this or that to some kid at school. I told her if she didn't curb her funky little attitude she was going to end up in juvenile detention.

Her 1/2 brother had sex with one of her friends. He is 21, her friend is 13. And YES he knew she was only 13. He's a train wreck...stays in trouble. In and out of jail all the time.

EvilAngel's picture

I agree 100%! Her brother is just trash. I am assuming he didn't think he would get in trouble for it. He's getting what he deserves. He should know better! Clearly he wasn't taught any values or morals. Of course, I know his mom so I can see why he acts like a fucking idiot. And that is what Softheart is growing up with. It truly is a sad situation but I don't want to have to deal with all the damage that has already been done to her. She is an attention hog and does things to "be cute". Even though she and I get along, she annoys the hell out of me sometimes.