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Good Morning DH

EvilAngel's picture

This morning at around 6:20 or so, I thought I heard a dog barfing but I wasn't totally sure about that. Puppy gets up around this time to go potty so I grab him and head for the door. In my way is indeed a huge pile of vomit. I couldn't tell if it was vomit or poop because the light was off. I said, "DH you need to get up. Your dog shit on the floor."(I knew it wasn't my puppy because A--he can't get off the bed without help B--the pile of barf was bigger than he is) DH, "What? He shit on the floor? He never does that." I said, "Oh oops I was wrong. It's vomit." Stepped over it and kept on going. Not my dog, not my problem. I was actually giggling to myself about it because I am still TOTALLY pissed off at him about last night.
I was in the kitchen making coffee and of course he hugs or tries to hug me and he said,"I'm sorry about last night I should have come to you before I got mad." should have BUT it's too little too late right now because I am still fuming mad. I don't hug back when I am mad. I don't talk when I am mad and I sure as hell do not forgive when I am mad. I went out in the garage and he of course has to follow. This is a pet peeve of mine. When I am pissed...just leave me alone because if you don't...the situation is going to get worse. I can promise you that. We kind of made small talk. I didn't want to talk to him at all honestly. Then he came over to me again and hugged me and smiled at me. I smiled back. FAKE SMILE. It's pretty easy to tell when I am doing that. He said,"Is that a fake smile?" I just gave him my dead eyed look and said,"You figure it out." Then I grabbed the pup and headed back upstairs. I guess he got the hint because he didn't follow me after that.
