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Cooler Heads

Endora's picture

So-when cooler heads prevail-I sit down with DH to calmly discuss his "a$$wiping parenting technique" towards Zippy16.5, and how it feels like I am watching a train wreck in the making and totally powerless to stop it. That I see a weird approval seeking dynamic going on between them and unfortunately while DH grovels for Zippy's approval that he is the Great Buddy Parent-DH is actually hurting Zippy's chances in the real world-I present situations and the outcomes, fact by recent fact-(see earlier blogs)-how Zippy's first foray into the real world he got himself fired because he felt he could show up at his job whenever he wanted to, and his bosses time was not important-I don't know about DH but I found that arrogant and rude.

DH concurred and said:

I am crappy at parenting (do ya think) :O
Zippy was dumped on me (yeah you are Bio Dad!!!)and I feel lost.

I explain how Zippy flies under the radar at home and school (staying out of just enough trouble so far)-but his social skills in the real world are sorely lacking and doing everything for Zippy is really harming him and if DH's goals are to ruin a person's chances in the world for DH's own selfish ego to gain Zippy's popularity contest-then DH is doing a bang up job!

So we are working on some strategies and taking the Zipster one day at a time one worldly crisis after another.

SO-if Zippy's BM is not out too far in Loonytoon Land (she is having one of her BP spells)-he is spending the weekend with her, and we can get some down time from the parenting mess!


sarahbernheart's picture

I hope that DH starts to "see the light"
I know all to well what you are going thru, FH let his oldest BS manage himself, he thought Unib would just someday get it..yah he got it all right-a 19 yo drop out working as a dishwasher (not that anything is wrong being a dishwasher mind you) but the point being going no-where fast, my only saving grace -he doesnt live with us woohoo...

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

stuknaz's picture

Thansks for making me laugh! Zippy what a name for the BM. I crack up when I read your posts! We call the BM (The Black Night and the Black Snake)

Long story but ZIPPY? I love it! Smile

"And this too shall pass..."

Endora's picture


"Unib would just someday get it..yah he got it all right"

Parenting by osmosis example

DH tried that technique-Zippy(then 14) nearly burned the house down and his summer camp gym lighting firecrackers indoors-went over bigtime!

DH thought Zippy was the smartest person on earth full of common sense and

"why do stars fall down from the sky-everytime Zip walks by...."

La La La

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

Sasha's picture

You just ruined one of my favorite oldies!

Now I'll never be able to sing along without inserting the dreaded name Zip!

Wahhhhh wah wah wah wahhhhh! Close to youuuuuuu!!!!!