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I am annoyed when SK does this!

EmmaGirl's picture

I don't know about you but I absolutely hate it when SK shoos BSs away when the latter attempts to go near him (SK). Like when SKs toys are scattered everywhere and BS2 inches closer to him, he'd shout at him, "BS2 STOP! or STOP in BS2!" I also notice that whenever BS2 touches even the tip of SK's shirt or shorts, SK shoves BS2's hand or feet away-- he doesn't really care if BS2 is a baby or what! Another thing: SK doesn't like BS2 to play with his stuffed animals and SK would snatched it away from him.

I understand he's protective of his toys and I learned to teach BS2 not to touch SKs toys. But I am annoyed by SK's selfish behavior!


Anon2009's picture

but maybe he's jealous that BS2 gets to live with his dad, and therefore gets more time with him, and he doesn't, and that's why he's acting out- because he doesn't know how to express his jealousy?Also, is he an only child at BM's house?

EmmaGirl's picture

I don't think he's jealous that BS2 gets to live with DH all the time because he only shows this kind of attitude on these 3 occasions. He also has a sister with BM.

Anon2009's picture

that will wear off with time. I have stepsiblings with whom I am very close now, but in the beginning, I hated sharing my stuff with them. They hated sharing their stuff with me, as well. We were older than your SS, but not by much. With time, though, that stuff wore off and we all became very close.