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Why is Dads house expected to be Disneyland?

Emerald's picture

Why is it that when the skids come visit we are expected to entertain them 24/7 but when they are at BM's it's business as usual? Since when is it BD's responsibility to keep them entertained while they are here? Why do we have to give a fking list of what activities we are planing when they visit to BM?? Cant they just come visit and hang out here like they do at BM's? We have EVERYTHING here same as BM has. they each have their own rooms with TV'S they each have video games and computers and cellphones. So why do I have to foot the entire travel bill as well as spend hundreds on activities? this is BULLSHIT!! :? :? :? :sick: :sick: :sick:


Dannee's picture

You know what I tell my skids..


BM will call up and say "what did you do today" " oh you did just that".

She even told us that we do nothing with them..

Well what we do, do is have them be kids...
they play outside alot...we don't take them to the mall every weekend like that piece
of waste BM does..

Don't let that bother you....LIVE YOUR LIFE the way you want to...

alwaysanxious's picture

Yes, same here except I don't entertain anymore. Smile

I've wondered the same thing though. Why can they just come here and do what they would do at their moms. Why does SO feel the need to take them out shopping or go do something. why does he have to run out and get games or movies from the video store for them to have some thing do. Just do what you would be doing at your moms.

SO set this up though. He's the one who started the whole fun time dad thing. Honestly, I don't think he did anything else even when married. He worked long hours and BM did all the daily grind stuff. Now its just the same, except he isn't as in the loop on the daily grind.

AliceP's picture

Ours do too, but we don't know what came first, their expectation or our feeling the need to make it a funfilled experience.

Bubbly1's picture

Same here. My problem is we're hikers, big time. We love to find new trails and just walk thru the woods and see what we see.
Bm does not leave the comfort of her ass dent in the couch, ever. So while skids are home they play on the computer, sit with bm making their own ass dents, watching tv. She never does anything outside with her kids, which is why she's 350lbs!
Money being tight, we can't afford to "shop" (thank God, I hate being seen in public w/them) sooo, we hike, go to parks, outdoors stuff. They walk like they have a stick up their asses, and they're afraid of splinters! They whine about being outside, complain about being "tiiiirrreeed" their legs hurt, etc etc etc. Its gotten to the point that if dh suggests we take them anywhere I've got reasons NOT to go. No thank you.
My ds7 is smaller than sd5, his little legs work overtime to keep up. Last hike we took the princesses on, almost ended our relationship. Ds7 spent the majority of this hike well ahead of everyone. While sd5 drug her ass and her feet. Dh's excuse? "She's only 5, she's so little she CAN'T keep up". Ummm, No, ds7 is "so small", sd5 is a sasquatch child and is twice the size of ds7, yet he's leading the pack!!
Drives me batshit crazy!

branmuffin97's picture

I know my biokids feel that way because they see their dad on weekends...and that's when they are allowed to do the "fun stuff" like hit the mall, a movie, friends stay the night, etc. It's the school grind all week with on weekends, they want to get out and do stuff.

Also...their Dad doesn't do well with them in a house, one on one. He can't fend off sibling arguments...he can't stand the noise 3 kids make...he prefers to run around all day rather than interact. When we were married..I was the disciplinarian...I managed the kids..and now that it's on him, he's clueless.