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Anyone else face this issue?

Emerald's picture

So we have to fight tooth and nail to get BM to give us our Thanksgiving or Christmas but when it comes to New Years Eve and BM and her husband want to go party they want to dump the kids on us. Doesn't matter if it's our year or not. Cuz they party!!! They party hard!!!
So we seem to cave in and take them because
A. BM makes DH feel bad. and
B. We don't want them out drinking and driving with the skids in the damn car.
Believe me I have smelled booze on setpdads breath on more than one occasion.
So I guess my question is do we ever stop being the freaking babysitter to BM or do they just use and use and use?


B22S22's picture

Unfortunately, holidays are not specifically spelled out in my DH's CO. Therefore, MOTY holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas) the SK's have always been with BM. My DH has not had them for either holiday in 14 years.

Other (party) holidays such as New Years, Memorial Day weekend, 4th of July, and Labor Day weekend they're with us because BM has a full social schedule. She has not had the SK's on those holidays for 14 years.

I just go do my own thing if my own kids aren't here (sometimes they like to go spend summer holidays with their cousins at the lake).

SteppingUp's picture

I remember last year I was pregnant and BM wanted us to take the kids so she could party and she actually said, "It's not like you are going to do anything since SteppingUp is pregnant."

No, maybe I won't be hitting up a bar and getting drunk, but who's to say I'm not planning to celebrate in a different way? Ugh!

I agree with MazzyStar that as long as your SO is still guilted into it, it'll continue to happen. Would BM find a reliable family member or someone to babysit them?