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Are skids enouh reason to leave?

ellbelly's picture

I am at a cross road in my 5 year relationship. He has four young adult children and I have a special needs 21 yr old and a 14 yr old. We have lived together for 4 yrs and have been engaged for 4 yrs. When we first moved in together 3 of his teenaged kids lived with us. Now they have all moved out and we just have my 14 yr old at home. The problem is when his children lived with us, I grew to loath them. They are lazy, thieves. We both had very different parenting skills. His is the "cool, party dad" While I am the overbearing and protective mother. I had never dated a man with kids and had no idea what in the hell I was in for. I would never do it again!!Nor would I recomend it. His youngest son breaks into our home when we are gone, then he acts like he is the greatest thing since sliced bread. His 19 yr old daughter just had her fisrt baby, so I am terrified that she will leave her boyfriend and have to live with us. The problem is over the years I have tried very hard to get past my ill feeling for his children. No matter how hard I try, I can't! In fact I think it is worse than ever now. When I her any hint of them comming over, I leave. Some days I have stayed at work late or drove around to make sure I didn't have to run into them. Every holiday, we never spend together, because I go somewhere else so I don't have to deal with all if them. I know this is rediculous, but I can't help it. I feel so guilty for feeling this way. I don't see how a relationship can possibly work if I can't deal with his kids, and as they get older, I only see it getting worse. I feel like I should end the relationship. He loves his kids dearly and I think it would be wrong for me to stand in the way of him and his kids. I am also tired of feeling all of the guilt. Is this normal?


ellbelly's picture

I have talked with him, I even told him I joined this sight. He just doesn't understand, he thinks I am being ridiculous. He says he excepts my kids and can't see why I can't except his. Like everything else in our relationship he thinks it will all work itself out and I will get over it. He keeps trying to bring us together. Haha by inviting us to spend time together, it makes it worse, because I make an excuse not too. I don't want to spend time with his kids at all!
As far as my 14yr old he doesn't care, He is more upset that his Older brother will have to come home due to the fact I am paying for him not live with us.(too long to get into).

Ontheoutside's picture

My adult skids are weird and annoying. I feel bad for not liking them too. I would be hurt if my so had the feelings I had for his kids for mine.... so I've been wondering the same thing. Is it fair to be with someone when you don't like their kids. It's one thing if they are "troublemakers" but I just hate their personalities!! It's the older two I don't like and one has moved away and I'm hoping the middle one goes to college like planned and actually stays there! I don't mind his youngest, there's some current drama with her but I hope it sorts out and we can build a relationship. I don't have advice... just know you're not alone!

JRI's picture

You ask if the SKs are enough reason to leave.  I'm wondering how you feel about your DH?  Aside from the SKs, do you still want to be with him?  Actually, you are in the young adult stage with them and you say they have all moved out.  In a best case scenario, you might only have to have minimal contact with them going forward.  I'm guessing you almost have a case of PTSD after having 6 kids there.

I understand where you are coming from.  I have 3 adult SKs.  One, i love. One, i have a limited relationship with.  One, i can't stand.  I've thought many times in the past about leaving.  In your case, i would think long and deep about how I feel about DH, do you want to continue on with him.  Then give yourself some time and rest to heal from them all being there before making a decision.

Good luck.