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Put my foot down, and it worked?

Elizabeth's picture

Slightly OT, but DH has not cooked dinner for the family for MONTHS. I bet I can count on one hand how many times he has cooked in the past year. I work full time. I am responsible for all child care Saturday through Tuesday, he is off and only sees them Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evening. So I come home last night and ask DH to make dinner and he tells me no. Iam on the phone with my cousin and she explains how when her brothers lived with her (all adults) they had a schedule of who would cook what night. I told her we tried that, but what can you do when the other adult in the house will not agree to or abide by the schedule? (DH was supposed to cook two nights a week.) She said if her brothers did not cook, she would cook only for herself. I told her that didn't work for me because I have two kids who also need to be fed.

Anyway, last night I put my foot down and told DH that if dinner was going to be cooked, he was going to be the one to do it. I asked him straight out how it was fair to me that I had to cook every night, even when I'd come home from a long work day. He said it wasn't fair, but... he still didn't want to cook. So I went in my bedroom and waited. After a lot of grumbling and avoiding and about four trips to the bedroom asking me about things or where things were, he managed to cook tacos. Nothing else, just tacos. So he and the BDs ate, I told him I wasn't hungry but thanked him for cooking.

Minor victory here. But why do I have to force a grown man to help out his wife and take care of his own kids?


LuckyGirl's picture

Just take everyone out and make him pay for it when it's his turn and he refuses }:)