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Just random SD crap

Elizabeth's picture

DH and I are watching the Super Bowl and he brings up the idea of getting a family portrait taken. I must preface this by saying we only actually have one of those, taken when youngest BD now 6 was 1. Why? Because Dh can't bear to have a family portrait taken without SD19. And I can't bear to have her in it after the way she has treated me and our two BDs, plus the fact that she's never around and when we schedule she doesn't bother to show up and DH won't do it without her.

So I asked, "Just the four of us?" And DH was like yes. And I was all dancing puppies and rainbows inside. I said, "No SD19?" And he was like, "No, she's not around." Which is totally true, her choice. But then he starts down memory lane and talking SD19 up (he can't resist), and saying he loves her. I just said "I know," in a normal voice, not rude or anything, maybe even a bit sympathetic. Then he's like "Our BDs love her too." Now, they don't. Dh talks her up to them all the time about how awesome she is, so they think they SHOULD love her. She never showed a bit of interest in them their entire lives. So I said,

"When is the last time SD19 called and talked to them about anything? When is the last time SD19 showed any interest in them whatsoever, in their school, etc.?" DH couldn't answer. Because SD19 does NOT care about them, and I won't have them guilted into caring about her.

Later found a text from SD19 to DH saying "I guess BM wants me to hate her." And DH asked why. And SD19 started bitching about how BM hasn't paid for something SD19 thinks she should pay for related to college. And DH, getting a warm glow from SD19 bashing BM and thus "siding" with him, doesn't say a thing about the fact that nobody is obligated to pay for anything with relation to SD19. BM and DH both pay a third of her college, SD is responsible for the remaining third. But they don't HAVE to do that, it is a choice. So it's pretty shallow for SD19 to get pissy at BM for not making a voluntary contribution, in my opinion.


oldone's picture

Should have sent back a text saying:

I guess you want every to hate you. Greedy bitches are not particularly loveable.

RedWingsFan's picture

wow, what an entitled, selfish brat. Go get your family portrait done, hang it in a nice frame in your home and don't give SD19 another thought.