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EEEWWW...SS14 room stinks!!

Eagle Eye's picture

I can't remember the last time he did laundry! I did make him wash his sheets the other night and of course, he tried only washing the fitted sheet. I made him go back and get pillow cases etc!!

He's got dirty clothes all over the floor. This drives me crazy! There is a laundry hamper right there in his room!! How difficult is it to use? I will admit my BD15 has a hard time using her hamper as well and I get just as frustrated!!!

SS14 room smells so bad that if he has the door open the smell drifts into the rest of the house. I can't even explain the smell but I do know it isn't food. I'm pretty sure it is all body odor related. :sick: He doesn't smell like dirty under arm but more like dirty clothes and greasy face stuff!! He has actually started showering daily which is a major improvement but if you are putting dirty clothes including dirty underwear back on then you will stink!!

I don't understand how DH doesn't notice this! I find it disgusting! I know the room will have to be repainted, recarpeted, and fumigated once he is gone but that won't be for another 3 years!!

I am basically disengaged! I did tell him to wash the sheets hoping that would help with the stench but I was wrong! Sad I guess I will just have to continue shutting his door every chance I get!! Ugh...I hate this!


DaizyDuke's picture

I can't wait til skids come over again (well not really) but the last time they were with us which was two weeks ago, they left their wet towels after their showers in a pile on their carpeted bedroom floor. I REFUSE to be the maid, they are 13 and 14.. certainly old enough to pick up their own shit. Hell my BS2 throws his stuff in the garbage and puts his own clothes in the hamper. So I just shut the door and left it. DH apprently hasn't been in their since because when I peeked the other night, they were still there. I hope by the time they come back the room smells nice and moldy/mildewey for them....and guarantee if DH does not go in there and pick them up or or see them and TELL skids to pick them up.. they will stay there for the rest our lives... such a freaking joke. I can only imagine what their rooms/house looks like at BMs..,

Eagle Eye's picture

I'm guessing you are right! Those towels will stay for a long time!! I have seen socks in the middle of the hall way that are continually step over. I let them stay there for a week before I landed up in the looney bin!!

SS normally gets a new towel after each shower so his room is full of towels! That is probably what is adding to the stench of dirty clothes! I hadn't thought about that!!

3familiesIn1's picture

continue closing his door - go buy a really icky smelling air freshener - those ones with the jelly - open it up on full and put it up on a shelf or on his desk or in his closet - see if he notices...

I will walk into BD12's room some days while she is in there, its stuffy, borderline smelly these days - I will start spraying febreeze on her bed, her chair, any clothing left on the floor and say nothing - she will be like HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? I will just say, it stinks, I'll be done soon, I spray a few more times into the air, walk out and close the door with her in there. Usually when I go back that night, she will have tidied it up.

Eagle Eye's picture

Funny!! I did stick a very cherry smelling air fresher in his room once but he never said a word! The smell was still too much for me though! It still smelled really gross with an added cherry scent.

I have gone in there and opened the window while he was laying on his bed. I walked in, said it stinks in here, opened the window and walked right out!! The next day there was a windstorm and the kid couldn't bother to close the window! I can't win!! Ever!!!!!

3familiesIn1's picture

Not cherry - the ones that smell like a public bathroom air freshener - lol

They come in 3 packs, with little hangers - my grandpa used to use them in the outhouse (no running water on the farm) Maybe its just me, but that air freshener always reminds me of an outhouse - it really doesn't fix the smell at all, it just lays on top of the smell. Smile

More motivation for him to clean his room on his own - lol

DaizyDuke's picture

I knew this was "you"! I can't keep track of all the dang name changes around here lol. How are ole Skunk and Small Ballerina? giving you some peace I hope?

Unfreakingreal's picture

Most boys stink. My SS19 smells, so does BS23 and strangely enough the least stinky one is my BS14. But when he does sports oh boy....I open the window, Febreeze his bed, plug in Glade scented stuff in his outlets, anything to rid the room of the odor. It's usually the clothes that smell. I change the sheets weekly and use lots of Downy so they always smell fresh.

Eagle Eye's picture

I would never change his sheets! OMG just the thought gives me the heebie geebies!! :sick:

I am not kidding if I touch anything in his room there is a "film
on it! There was a top sheet stuck in our laundry room that was there since November. I couldn't bare to touch it long enough to wash it. It still smelled!! So this past weekend I had cleaning gloves on and I picked it up and took it to the trash can outside! May sound juvenile but...truly disgusting and I'll have no part in it!!

Unfreakingreal's picture

LOL, sounds like my BS23s sheets. They can stand on their own. I have to wash them TWICE so they can get cleaned. He'll go MONTHS with the same sheets on before I go in and rip his face off about it. I just kicked him out of the house. I can't take him, his rule breaking and nasty room any more.