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Don't slam the door!!!!

Eagle Eye's picture

Every morning when I drop SS13 at school, I have to remind him not to slam the door when he gets out. If I don't say anything he will slam it. This morning I said please don't slam the door when you get it out. He said I won't and then proceeded to slam the car door harder than shit!!

I went ape shit!! I rolled down the window and yelled at him in front of the all the kids! Of course he said he didn't slam it! frustrating!! The kid drives me nuts!


Elizabeth's picture

Ha, I had that happen once with SD17, who was then about 10. Slammed the damn van door, brand new van, with baby BD inside. I was dropping her off at school, said "Please do not slam the door." She was mad at me, so she slammed it, so I rolled down the window and we had words and she said "I hate you." Whatever. That was the LAST time I ever gave her a ride to school. Solved that problem (at least during school drop-offs).

Eagle Eye's picture

I wish that could be my last time giving him a ride but BD and SS go to same school!! I know he doesn't pull that crap when his dad takes them!! I text DH and I'm waiting for his response! I'll probably get an LOL... Sad

Elizabeth's picture

You're too nice! Why can't you take BD and not SS? Even if it's just for one day, that might teach him a bit of a lesson. After the incident with SD, DH started taking her or she had to walk (we were too close for a bus). Not my problem.

Eagle Eye's picture

I guess because the kids are the same age and DH is so good to my BD. Now if SS yells at me or says something really bad I could probably justify it! DH takes the kids on his day off and picks up my BD, SS prefers to walk in the afternoon. I'm afraid if I pull the "not my problem" it will affect my BD!

I have stopped getting involved in homework and everything else that involves SS! The only thing DH notices is that SS and I don't talk. Works for me!

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

If he slams the door one more time after giving him a fair warning once more; make him walk, ride a bike, or take the bus to school.

Eagle Eye's picture

Now that would be comical!! I wish I could say DH would hop on board but I know he wouldn't be as that would take too much effort! DH is a great husband but his parenting skills...not so much! Sad Then if I did it he would tell me I was "picking" on SS as he did when I made him clean his room to my expectations!

purpledaisies's picture

I always started with 3 times then every time after that that he would do it wrong he got 1 added so it go to 4, 5, 6, and so on till he understood how to do it right. One time he got up to 6 times in a row having to brush his teeth! It was mainly b/c he would refuse to brush them in the mornings before school.

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Or every single time skid gets out of the car they have to continue closing it until they do it correctly without slamming. Even if it means embarassing rhe kid before school every morning. Or you can always do what Rags says and write sentences!

purpledaisies's picture

Finey funny you should say that b/c I was about to say the same thing. I did this with my son, some kids just have to 'practice' doing the right thing. LOL