Definitely time to separate accounts!
So, the boss just told me today that he got me a promotion...a significant promotion! This isn't your little 3-5% pay will be nearly 20%! My gut right now is telling me to not even tell DH about it, because then he will expect that "we" can afford x, y, and z for SD15, and I really don't want to spend any more money on her. I already bring in more than DH, and after his share of the bills and his expenses, he doesn't have jack left (spent the time to figure it all out)...anything extra that SD15 has been getting, has been coming from my hard earned income! I really don't want BS19 to have to work at all while he is in college...I have been stressing about how I was going to make that be the case for him, as I want to be able to give him a monthly allowance so he can concentrate on his studies and football...what he is going there to do. I hate having to keep secrets, but sheesh! What do you think they would do if they knew there was so much more money coming in? History tells me that SD15 would be impossible..."I NEED...I want!" And when I say no, I would get the, "But 'we' CAN afford why not?" (from DH).
Of course, this also creates another thing to think about. I worked up the budget to figure out if I could cover things on my own should I have no choice but to split from DH because of SD15, and I could, but it would be tight. Now? I could comfortably live on my own. much to think about. I really don't know if I could spend another 3 years under the same roof with SD15, especially with BS19 away. I love my husband, but that little princess makes my skin crawl! Pretty much any fight we get in to has to do with her in some way.
I have to keep this promotion to myself...I really do...or they will find a way to piss it away!
Yes keep it under your hat
Yes keep it under your hat for sure and faithfully bank the difference.
Look out for you and your biokid.
Don't feel an ounce of guilt over it.
Nobody ever feels guilty for dumping on us do they?
Congratulations! and YES keep
Congratulations! and YES keep it to yourself.
Oh, my biokids are already
Oh, my biokids are already the only ones on my life insurance...that already caused an argument between me and DH. He thought I should list SD15, because BD23 and BS19 are listed on his. I had to point out, he adopted BD23 and BS19...that is the big difference. For all intents and purposes, I'm their mother and he is their they are heirs to both of our "estates". SD15 is NOT an heir to my estate, because BM is still in the picture...he is her father, BM is her mother. DH was NOT happy about it, but I never changed it! I think the reason that DH gets bent out of shape about it is because he knows SD15 will not inherit anything from BM...she hasn't worked a day in SD15's life, she has no life insurance, etc. So he thinks I should feel sympathy and include her as my heir so she will get something. Sorry, I'm not taking away from my biokids' share to give to someone who does not appreciate me!
I am already on BS19's bank account...we did that when he opened it over a year ago, with the idea being that he was going to get to play ball for a college somewhere and I wanted to be able to get money to him in a pinch quickly. Wiring money and all that crap takes time, but since we both have the same bank, I can move money to his account and he has instant access.
I do have to say I'm very proud of my biokids! BD23 had a rough spell there for a bit as a teenager, but she got out of it, and is a very hard working adult..two jobs, her own place, doesn't ask me for anything. BS19 busted his butt and got himself on to an NCAA football team (there were some non-NCAA colleges that really, really wanted him, and the coaches sounded sad that he got a better deal). Through his entire senior year of high school, he has kept his job...with studies, football...he worked over 40 hours last week, but he doesn't mind. He would rather work those hours and have the gas to go where he wants to go, take his girl to the movies, buy some things to fix up his truck, etc. He doesn't expect us to pay for any of that! BS19 contacted his bio-father in the last year...I supported him on it because I knew he had to deal with those demons to move on with life. Losing BS19 caused my ex to shape up his life...he doesn't blame me or DH for taking BS19 away. Actually, when he sees where the kids are that BS19 used to hang out with when my ex was in the picture (kids of my ex's friends), and looking back at his own life, he is happy I did what I did, because he doesn't believe BS19 would be here he is in life if I hadn't. No one in my ex's family has ever gone to college, and here is BS19 going to college, playing football. Even my ex understands the effects of bad parenting...the last person I ever thought would understand that! I would think DH would wake up and get it!
Normally I am not one to
Normally I am not one to advocate financial infidelity in marriages. It ranks right up there with sexual infidelity to me.
But. Your DH is behaving like a child. And I wouldn't make sound financial decisions if I had to give equal say to my child in financial matters.
Do what makes best sense for your family (and indulging any kid the way your DH indulges the SD is not smart), I think you'll make the right choice!!!
^^^Ditto all the above.^^^
^^^Ditto all the above.^^^ and Congratulations!
I would get another account
I would get another account and split my direct deposit.
E.g. (just throwing out numbers!!) if the net was previously $1200 and is now $1500; have $300 go to a new account with only your name on it and the rest to your primary account. And you can bank from the new account (send money to DS, make other purchases, etc.)
Congratulations. ^^^^all of
Congratulations. ^^^^all of the above!
I would not keep something so
I would not keep something so big from my DH. Then again, I would have the final say on how much money he is spending/wasting as well!
That's just it...if DH thinks
That's just it...if DH thinks "we" have the money, me putting my foot down about what the money is spent on causes a huge fight, especially if I'm saying no to something that SD15 doesn't really need. For instance, DH thinks SD15 NEEDS a smartphone. Problem is, SD15 has been caught doing "stupid" things with her internet access, and doesn't follow rules. She is told not to text in school, she will do it anyway. She is told to get off the phone at a certain time, she doesn't do it. She is told to not use SnapChat, she uses it anyway. But DH still thinks that we need to upgrade her phone from what people affectionately call a "dumb phone" to a smartphone?
When I told DH that SD15 did not NEED expensive makeup, that the stuff at the grocery store should suffice...he took out a credit card and spent $200 in makeup for SD15 at Sephora! And of course, now that that foundation she got and stuff are running out, she thinks another trip to Sephora is in order to get her more. Why does she NEED $30 powder when I get my powder from the grocery store for $11 and it works just as well...if not better (I'm prone to breakouts, so I spend a little extra on Physician's Formula which doesn't break me out...SD15's $30 powder and $45 foundation causes her terrible breakouts...partially, because she never really washes her face). DH tells me, "Well, maybe you should teach her how to do her makeup, then." Really? Been there...tried that...she goes off and does her own thing anyway!
So yeah...his is crazy frivolous when it comes to money...which is why I control the budget. DH is the kind that looks at the balance in the bank as "this is how much money I have" instead of "okay, this is what is in the bank, but this and that still need to be paid, and I need groceries, so the balance minus that is what I really have".
Exactly! I don't want to be
Exactly! I don't want to be seen as "we" can afford to care for a baby, so not a big deal if SD15 ends up pregnant because DH gives her too much free time with the boyfriend! I will NOT stick around for that! I was reading an article the other day that there are plans for some pretty nice 500 sq ft apartments being built in the city that would be around $500/month. I could do that if I lived alone. I really don't need much space. I've also looked at a community across from my employer's campus...yeah, I work from home, but if for any reason I needed to go for a meeting or something, living a stone's throw isn't bad. It is a nice above retail shops and restaurants...there is even a theater there. Want frozen yogurt at 8 p.m., just walk down and get some. They are a little more expensive, but what I would save in gas alone. A one-bedroom is about $1000, but that would still be less than the mortgage payment on this house if I stayed here.
Separate finances and keep
Separate finances and keep the secret. Makes an exit strategy eaiser if it comes to that...
HIDE IT! You already decided
HIDE IT! You already decided to hide it, especially since you are anticipating a potential split. Attorneys will always tell you what the psycho exes already know. Whatever money you run with and manage to hide, you generally end up keeping. Things are rough in your house, and you may need it for your exit plan. Long time ago a friend of mine living in very modest conditions, who did amazing seamstress work on the side, found out that her husband had amassed $1 million. She wondered why she never had any money to spend. Who knows how much money you will be able to hide away without your DH sucking it dry. Better yet. If you have a VERY TRUSTED family member, have them save it for you?
Like misstep, I would not
Like misstep, I would not hide it from my DH. But my DH would also never expect me to pay for skid.
In your situation I would just tell him. DH I got a great promotion and a small raise. My raise is going to be going to help my son for college. Period.Dot.
"But my DH would also never
"But my DH would also never expect me to pay for skid." Her situation is very different then from yours.
I realize this...that is why
I realize this...that is why I even said..."in her situation"
i normally dont advocate for
i normally dont advocate for secrets among spouses, but in this instance id keep it quiet.
id put it into a separate account (usually quite easy to do with direct deposits). id then designate your BS as the beneficiary. that way should you pass, this entire account will go to your BS without question. then you have a slush fund should you decide to leave your DH, but if you stick it out and move forward, you'll have a nice additional retirement nest egg for the two of you.
Say nothing and stash that
Say nothing and stash that money. Do not feel guilty. My Dh tends to do things like this too. If I have a good month at work (commissions) magically he is spending more of HIS check & I end up forking over more money for the bills.
WIth that said STASH it and say NADA.
If you do direct deposit with
If you do direct deposit with your workplace, often you can have it deposited into 2 places. Leave the normal deposit as is and put the rest in a new personal account.
There is NOTHING wrong in looking out for yourself.
Thanks for all the advice,
Thanks for all the advice, folks! I think for now, I will not say anything. Until BS19 actually moves into his dorm (which will be around August 1st), I will pay down/off my accounts, and then discuss with BS19 what his allowance will be after we hear back from financial aid. Anything I can pay off of my own will make it even that much easier to do on my own if it comes down to that. I ran the new numbers...inputing the rent on the potential apartment would want, etc...and it looks really good! Before the raise, I barely had enough money to do life would suck if I separated, but my bills would be paid. With the promotion, I can pay the bills AND actually enjoy a community like the one I'm looking at...catch a movie on Fridays, enjoy a meal outside of my apartment, do a little shopping every now and then, etc. All without fear of conflict! Oh, why does there have to be the conflict! Why can't DH and I simply have that kind of life now? Oh, that's right...because SD15 will pout if we go out without her! She pouts if I walk in the house with any kind of shopping bags because I didn't take her or buy her things. Because DH is as bad as she is...a treat to me is $20-$50 at my favorite clothing store or boutique...a treat for him is a $200+ gadget that ends up collecting dust after a month and he is bored with it...or he gives it to SD15 and it gets destroyed. Yeah...that is why I can't live that kind of life now.
Why is his adopting your kids
Why is his adopting your kids being used against his favor?
No...see, he is thinking I
No...see, he is thinking I need to do for SD15 the same as BD23 and BS19, trying to say, "Well, I always treated them the same!" So, he thinks I need to put SD15 on MY life insurance, because he put BD23 and BS19 on his, and that is why it was pointed out. I should spend money on SD15 the same as I do my biokids. His relationship with BD23 and BS19 is different...he adopted them, he is their legal father, his name is on their birth certificates (because with the adoption, their originals were sealed, and he was listed as their father a part of procedure), etc. Basically, by adopting them, he said, "I take responsibility for these children!" DH was NEVER denied say in anything having to do with BD23 and BS19...I backed him, and he backed me. Even so, I still took primary responsibility for the kids! They wanted to participate in school stuff, I made it a point to arrange my work schedule and such to facilitate their activities...yes, DH adopted them, but I still didn't feel right just assuming he would do something because of that fact...I took care of mine.
Now, with SD15, BM is still in the picture...there is nothing making me responsible for the girl. DH will tell SD15 she can do something, and then EXPECT me to arrange my time to pick her up from or take her to stuff...though he is the one that agreed to it without even asking me. Then, when I tell him I won't or can't, I get yelled at for...I'm being unreasonable! When SD15 gets in trouble, I have no say in how it is handled...DH just does his thing (which is usually just a talk and no punishment). SD15 leaves her crap all over the TV room, and he just makes excuses for her and picks it up for her...BS19 leave a bowl just one time because he looked at his watch and ran off to work, and DH throws a massive fit about it, calling BS19 lazy and a slob (but, as I said, it is okay for his princess to leave a half full glass of milk in the TV room for days until it stinks up the whole room, along with her dirty socks, her candy wrappers, cereal bowls, etc.). Anytime BD23 or BS19 had an attitude with DH, I would always step in and demand that they change their attitude (because teens will be teens...there will be days of some attitude). SD15 had attitude with me or disrespects me, DH just sits there , and if I happen to yell at SD15 about it, I'm then made out to be the bad guy because I "scared her". SD15 lies (and she does this a lot...and gets caught a lot)...he believes her every word. BS19 tells the truth, he gets accused of lying...though he had always been honest! When BS19 has his accident last year, DH yelled at him and accused him of lying about what happened to the point that BS19 was 18 year old tough football player crying because he was pushed to the limit and DH didn't believe him (DH was accusing him of speeding, and that is why the accident happened, when it was a case of brake failure...and DH KNEW the brakes on the truck needed to be looked at).
So you see where the problem is? I get accused all the time of not treating SD15 like my own, but I'm not allowed to truly treat her as my own...yet, DH has always been guilty of treating SD15 with more favor over BD23 and BS19, even though the adoptions should have put all three kids at the same level in his eyes, and he has always been allowed to truly treat BD23 and BS19 as his every respect!
BTW I still agree with
BTW I still agree with everyone that you should keep quiet about the raise only because he's proven himself untrustworthy of that kind of knowledge. Nothing wrong with keeping your egg money to yourself since you sold them yourself.
I still don't think it's right that beneficiaires of life insurance are determined on adoption. His daughter will have to share with her steps but they dont have to share with her? Essentially, he's being penalized for doing the right thing. I hope I'm misinterpreting this.
But because of the adoptions,
But because of the adoptions, they are NOT her STEPS...they are her halves! Adopted children have the same right to a parent's estate as naturally born children...that is the eye of the law. I shouldn't have to take away from my kids because BM decided she didn't want to do anything with her life, and SD15 will get nothing from her as a result. It is DH's and BM's responsibility to provide for is mine and DH's responsibility to provide for my bios. If BM fell off the face of the planet, and I adopted SD15, it would be completely different...of course, at the same time, I would have everything backing me to stand up and demand that DH let me have a say in everything having to do with the child...but as a step, I don't have any of those rights.
It really isn't any different than if DH and I decided to adopt a baby right now...that child for all intents and purposes would still be considered SD15's half sibling...full sibling to BD23 and BS19...and would have right to both mine and DH's estate as we would also both be responsible for providing for that child.
Another way of looking at it...if BD23 and BS19 were still young children or young teens, and we divorced, DH would be required to pay child support for the both of them. he went into that understanding that (the judges around here even make it a point to tell the parent that in step-parent adoptions). If DH and I divorce right now, I am in no way responsible to pay anything toward SD15...he can go after BM for child support, but not me. But legally, if I wanted to be a real b***h about it, I could demand that he help pay for BS19's college. Does that make more sense?
LOL...actually, probably then
LOL...actually, probably then I would get the excuse from DH that I need to be easy on the girl because she lost her mother, and that will be the new excuse for everything! Caught smoking pot? Oh, she is dealing with her mother's death. Underage drinking? Oh, she is dealing with the loss of her mom. Naw...I think it is easier with BM still in the picture. }:)
Well it's really no wonder
Well it's really no wonder why wars have been waged on half siblings for all of time is it?
It's sad the things I can't
It's sad the things I can't do or buy because of SD15! Today at the grocery store...they had free cheese crackers with purchase of cookies. I'm thinking, "DH likes both as snacks." Then I think, "But if I buy them, he will only get 2 cookies and a handful of crackers, if that, because he always let's SD15 have his snacks, and she will binge on them and they will be gone in 2 days!" (And I'm so not kidding about the two day thing) Because DH will not do anything about the way SD15 eats (or at times doesn't eat), I can't bring any if this stuff into the house because it would only contribute to the problem...which I refuse to do! It is like having alcohol in the house with an alcoholic!
I have also had a craving for frozen yogurt, but I knew I would have to get DH ice cream if I got yogurt. Same thing, he would take a few bites and then let SD15 down the pint in one sitting!
Yes...she is still in binge phase, but she doesn't eat any real food during binges...all junk...then when it is time to wear a swimsuit or her guard costume, she will starve for 3 months or more! DH just allows this self destructive behavior, so it effects what groceries I I said, you don't buy beer if an alcoholic lives in the house!
Makes me really think that being alone would be do much better! Love my husband, but can't stand SD15 in the same house. I stuck around, gonna be a long 3 years!
OMG, do not tell him.
OMG, do not tell him. Congratulations on your promotion. Take it from an idiot who has made all the wrong moves and is now virtually on the brink of bankruptcy because I did what I thought was the right thing to do as a dutiful wife. I gave up my own life, career, everything to take care of DH, SD & SS. DH forgot to tell me that he was in HUGE debt (almost a million!). I want to leave my marriage, but can't as I have nothing - spent years working to try to make a dent in his debt, but I may as well be flogging a dead horse. You pocket that money and don't feel one bit bad about it - look out for your biokid and yourself. Please, please don't even think twice about it..
Luckily, it seems that a
Luckily, it seems that a higher level position opened at DH's job, and he is actually going for it because it will mean he doesn't have to drive all over town as much. Sounds like he will get it, but where his salary is now, I doubt the new position will even be close to my salary befor the promotion. However, seeing as he is already in the negative monthly after his share of bills and his expenses, maybe he will actually have a little money left to buy SD15 those extras when she demands them! The smart thing for him to do would be to have me pay extra on his cards to pay them down, but I doubt that will happen! He will say up front that is what I should do with his extra money, but then he will spend it and I won't be able to make the extra payment...SD15 will NEED leggings for guard (because she is supposed to wear them ONLY for guard, but she wears them as pants nearly every day of the week when told not to), she will NEED makeup from Sephora, she will NEED new boots...and DH will be like " I have more money...okay!"
I've decided I'm keeping my promotion to myself. I'll just pay down some bills until BS19 leaves for college. Once we hear back from financial aid, I'll have a better idea where MY budget stands.
Okay...just had to post this
Okay...just had to post this one, because I thought it priceless!!
So, BS19's college having a special event Friday and Saturday of next week. We have been planning to go for a couple of months now. DH still has not requested the time off of work, and has not figured out what he would do about SD15 for that Friday (BS19 has an excused absence because he hasn't used any of his college visit days he is would not be an excused absence for SD15, and there really isn't any real reason for her to go with). SD15 CANNOT be trusted to stay home alone, so if DH goes (as there is stuff for parents, too), then he MUST find someplace for SD15 to be...MIL's, something. About a week away, and he hasn't made any arrangements. Now, he is saying, "Maybe you and _____ (BS19) can just go without me." Now, I wouldn't have a problem with that.
So, I tell DH last night that I was able to get a good deal on a room close to the college for next weekend...$64/night for 2 nights. He asks why 2 nights? I told him that the plan is to leave after work on is a 6-hour drive, and BS19 needs to check in at the school at about 8:00 a.m. on Friday. is where it gets good...DH asks why I'm spending the extra money for 2 nights when we could leave at like 2:00 a.m. Friday! Really? He is suddenly going to be concerned about me spending money for an extra night at the hotel so that I don't have to drive tired, and I can actually get a regular night's sleep? I'm expected to try to "nap" a few hours after work (which I will be lucky to get like 2 hours of good rest), and then be up all day Friday from 2 a.m. to whenever I get to go to sleep Friday night? So NOW he is concerned about money? Really? I would rather spend the extra night at the hotel and have a safe drive up there than to drive tired in pitch black night the entire drive...come on! I bet if SD15 came home today and said she "needed" something, he would be rushing to get it for her, or getting mad at me if I said no because it wasn't something she really needed. Holy freakin' cow!!! It is MY money, and he is trying to tell me how to spend it?