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No emails, but plenty of texts.

drew's picture

I can hear the replies from folks now. I almost feel as though I shouldn't post. Just looking to vent though.

When I left the house, I remember hearing her say she wouldn't go to couples counseling. I remember her asking me more than once why I was still at the house, what was I doing there. That there is no US.

Now she insists I abandoned my family. The family I took care for 7 + years. My son and his stepsister who I cared for nearly every single day since they entered my life.

We have an appointment with a couples counselor this weekend. Wife asked me if her attorney should be there. Asked me what to expect from the session. When I said no attorneys and I didn't know what to expect other than to talk about our situation, I got a text so long it wouldn't fit on my phones screen.

I emailed my wife the day after I left saying how I offered to help out with the kids errands and getting them to school. That I still loved her and want more than anything to work things out. She very plainly wrote back that she didn't want to fight over email. But she texts me several times a day about one thing or another I've done wrong. Some I reply calmly to. Others I ignore.

She's agreed to go to counseling and I'm hoping that one time leads to another and another. I'm observant of how unbelievably calm and full of resolve during all of this. I believe this can work. I'll accept it when it's over if it goes that way, but I can't believe a resolution can't be had, but she's so incredibly angry. One step at a time. I believe.


Amcc13's picture

Ouch attorneys at counselling, man that sucks. I wouldn't be surprised if one turned up if I were you... Just saying... Time to be prepared to take care of you
Okay so couple of things
1) keep being calm and positive - you are doing great with this
2) do you have any evidence of your work inside home for last number of years? Proof you have been working hard for family and not abandon them
3) do you have any proof of what she said before you left? Clearly it seems she didn't agree counselling when you have such an obv memory of it
4) save everything you have gotten from her in last while- back as far as all things you do wrong cause you don't like finding sanitary towels in wash
5)Where is your son in all of this? Is he with you or with other family? You hadn't been specificity in other posts so I had originally thought yesterday your son was still with her and I was worried for him.
6) do what you can to take care of yourself this week. Do whatever you need to do to de- stress. I would say your feeling up to 90 right now

drew's picture

I appreciate all of your comments as they echo my own. And if they didn't it would at least provide me with some alternate ways to think about the situation.

Thank you all.