So, this past Monday, my hubby was asked to attend a counseling meeting with his oldest...
I keep saying time will tell all... Well... It is starting to surface... Monday, SS15 decides he wants to have a mediator in communicating with his dad.. Great. I have no issues... Well, little did SS15 know, is that dear old daddy will get the truth... SS15 was caught lieing to Counselor... SS15 was put on the spot and told the counselor that I (WSM) am not so bad after all.. considering I am the ONLY one that pushed him and fought with him about his Grades and got him PROMOTED not PLACED... (Damn No Child Left Behind Program).... then he followed through with what I Taught him and did it him self the following year....
Then, SS15 and SS7 want to spend time with Daddy... Daddy is an OTR Driver... Has bills, CS etc to pay... and the children were being told that daddy does not want them... WELL WELL WELL... The truth came out. And the truth is this: DMOMMY, will not allow 2 of the 4 to come over. Her words are all or nothing at all... Counselor :Well, That is not Fair" Daddy, "You tell Her That".... Daddy: "I have done everything I can to have my children in my home, I can not be home from Friday to Sunday and afford to pay Child Support let alone the house hold bills... If I come in, it may be at 11 pm Friday... and I will leave @ 11 am Sat. At least if the children are in mine and my wife's home, I would be able to see them for a few hours..."
SS15... CRUSHED because he has now found out that SMOMMY is not a liar. SM is not the bad guy... It all comes back to B-BM.... go figure...
- dreamingofhappiness's blog
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It sounds like SS15 has a
It sounds like SS15 has a good therapist
I'm glad it's working out, and I hope he's able to continue seeing this counselor.
Anon2009: I could not agree
Anon2009: I could not agree more... He goes 2 times a week.., and apparently after all the lies as to why he began going have come to the surface and the truth is now known... things are getting easier to handle because she (BM) can not longer lie to a child and blame me (SM) for her short comings and her ignorance... LOL... I pray he continues to see this one... I am grateful she is pulling the truth out.. I am grateful Dad actually went...