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I'm ready to scream!

Dreamer's picture

You some of you know we've been trying to stop the CS since the girls now live with us. For the past month we have been jumping through hoops for both Georgia CS Enforcment and North Carolina also.

Today DH finally had a sit down meeting with Georgia about getting child support for the girls. We knew NC would have to cancel the other being paid to BM. Georgia told DH that there was nothing they could do for him that he would have to get CS in North Carolina. Our old lawyer in NC told us there was nothing he could do that we had to take care of it in Georgia. NC CS enforcment also stated that they will not cancel the CS until we take BM to court and get custody, but the divorce agreement states they have joint custody!

This is after 3 meeting with GA trying to get all the things they said they needed, letters from the girls school showing they go to school in GA, a copy of the divorce agreement showing joint custody, and about 500 papers to fill out. And also after the court date in NC was set to stop CS.

GA told DH that there is no law saying what they can do when the father takes custody of the kids. That there is only laws protecting the mother's right. If that's not a load of bull shit!

DH says he's going to get a lawyer here in GA and see what they say since neither state wants to take responciblity. He's also going to give BM an oltimatom (sp?) that either she call CS and get the CS stopped right this minute or he will see her in court and all the world will know what's shes put the girls through the past five years, how she wouldn't let him see them, how the CS was never used for their needs, all about her gambling problem, and show the court how much the girls have improved in school since moving in with us.

I want to call the newspapers or even a news crew and let the world see just how one sided and screwed up the CS system is. DH says I have to wait till all this is over though. He doesn't want to make it harder on the skids.

But it looks like if BM doesn't stop the CS then we will be going to court. DH has decided that there is no way he's going to let BM get the kids back either, We also think that the fact she kicked them out of the house will help our case also. Oh and BM is running scared too! B/c she's afraid of losing her CS.


ColorMeGone2's picture

She ought to be running scared, because once it's determined that he's had the skids this long, she'll have to reimburse him what he paid to her and could also owe what she should've been paying him all along. That's if they grant a CS award retroactively, which you really need to ask for to make sure the skids get all the support they have coming.

♥ Georgia, the un-stepmom ♥

"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)

sparky's picture

Is BM capable of getting the CS stopped? I was told there had to be a court order signed by the judge to get it stopped. I would get an attorney in NC and get a court date. I would get it stopped permanently once and for always. Sounds like you have may have 2 different cases in 2 different states.

ttina's picture

I am in NC and CS changes are only retroactive back to the date of filing. It does sound like you have two seperate actions going on. Who does the CS go to NC or GA? That is the office you have to set it stopped at. If it is NC, physical custody factors into CS amount. I would file for a reduction/elemination based on custodial time.

Dreamer's picture

DH pays the CS to Ga who in turns sends it to NC, who in turn sends it to BM.

BM can get the CS stopped if she admits that the DH has custody. Instead she's still trying everything in her power to get the girls back so she doesn't lose CS.

Don't fear the thorns among the Roses, but be greatful for the Roses among the thorns