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I'm acually not venting!

Dreamer's picture

The skids loved camp yesterday! And I loved a few minutes to myself! They did have to come home early though. SD12 peed in her plants! I know it shocked me too. By that age you would think she would go to the bathroom or ask someone where it is. DH was shocked too.

It dawned on me that they'll be gone next week too. YEAH! Their BM plans on picking them up Thursday after SD12's court date. That is if the courts will let her go.

We have to go to North Carolina next week for CS court. We thought we were only going to be going to get the overpayment in CS back, BUT yesterday we got a letter in the mail from CS enforcment. It seems BM lied (no shock there) when she said she had the CS stopped and now CSE is coming after DH for back payments! Since DH found a local job since then, he didn't both telling his new employer about the CS garnishment. So CSE is looking for him.

I told DH after all the hell we've been through, b/c of BM, he is! going to request CS from her. I told him I didn't sign up for this when I married him. That for 5 years I've paid the house bills so he could pay CS with no complaints about us being broke all the time. I told him that I've lived hand to mouth since the girls moved in, while BM still got CS and had a wonderful life. I told him that these were her kids, not mine and that she should be responcible for feeding them, not me. DH was smart and kept his mouth shut.


frustratedinMA's picture

Congrats on the free time. sounds like sd12 was looking for attention.. even if its negative attention.. which is also why she probably flips out on you. just to get a reaction and someone's undivided attention.

Next time send her w/extra clothes and tell her to just change if she cant/wont control her bladder.

Good luck w/the courts. Hopefully you will get your $$ back and then some!

Sia's picture

she should support her children. Though in my experience, the courts do not seem to go after women in the way they do the men. One time Dh believed BM when she told him not to worry about CS for a few months since we were financially strapped and she made 5x what he did (no kidding). After a few months, she reported him to CSE, he went to jail for 1 night. She, on the other hand, had to be 3 yrs behind before they would do ANYTHING! Eventually, she did go to jail, but we still have NEVER seen a dime and they refuse to do anything about it b/c she's mentally ill....whatever!