I have been married with husband for more than 8 years. My SS who is 8 1/2 (product of a one night stand) told me back in January of this year that he and his little brother (which, is not my husband's son), almost got into a car accident while his mother was intoxicated and pulled the emergency brake and the car almost hit the wall in a freeway tunnel. My SS also added that BM is constantly drinking alcohol in his presence to the point of intoxication. BM has a rocky history with substance abuse and domestic violence.
A week after these shocking news, my husband went to drop off my SS school field trip lunch at school that BM was supposed to take but didn't because she was too busy still partying on a Tuesday. Let me add this happened on a Tuesday and BM was supposed to pick up SS from school that Monday. When my husband showed up at school, my SS's teacher informed my husband that SS had 15 late arrivals and I don't know how many absences. Imagine our shock.
I contemplated it for a little bit to call child protective services but did so when BM's mother, my SS's grandmother, called me to tell me "more" things BM has done. To add to this, I have a restraining order against BM because she used to verbally harass me and also threaten me on several different occasions. This was right before noon. At night time, my husband received a phone call from BM and BM's mother. BM's mother to advice us that CPS had showed up at BM's home and that BM was blaming her own mother about it. BM then called asking my husband with a voice of surprise and acting all calm and mature, about CPS and the police showing up at her home (RIght! The police was right in front of her, that's why she didn't flip out like usual). BM texted me right after, threatening me, saying if she found out I had something to do with that phone call, she would do something (she just didn't say what she would do) and how terrible we were in the same place and how she thought we had moved on. I was texting with someone else and by mistake "Lol!" got sent to BM instead of my friend.
To make a long story short, just imagine what happened. I got super upset and called the police on her, told them what had happened. I even told them I do not even read her txt or accept her phone calls. That is still pending from the DAs office.
Now, my SS8 just told me a week ago, that he had lied to me about how his mom had drop him off in school drunk out of her mind driving him on a Sunday to school. SS also went as far as saying "My mom says she would never do that to me!" SS also told me "My mom says you are taking her to court". SS even told me he had to lie to CPS because he was afraid his mother would go to jail if he told the truth, but three weeks later he sitting right across from me telling me he made up all those lies about how much his mother drinks.
Now, I am just upset and i wish I could take back that phone call. I feel that the court will not even do anything to her and I got stuck in the middle for trying to protect my SS. I don't even want to begin imagining what other lies this child says. I do know what he has told me about how he doesn't want my husband and I to have children bc he is afraid Hubbie and I will do to him what his mother did to him when she had her second child (ignore him). Ever since December 2011 he has been talking about "the baby", my unborn child, let me just add that I am not even pregnant!!!!!! BM called my husband saying she was concerned about how it was going to affect Son of the birth of our own biological child and if we could talk to him about it. Everything is just pure bs! Can't take this. What should I do??? I do feel I shouldn't have ever listened to my SS.
- dream SM's blog
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Forgot to add that my hub
Forgot to add that my hub cannot stand his BM and she is constantly trying to have conversations of self pity with him.
Because he has many times in
Because he has many times in the past, when BM was going through domestic violence issues and SS was present. We do have an attorney, but it seems like nothing can ever be done. BM lies and cries and always plays the victim. I know it sounds like I am exagerating but really, BM is 100% manipulative and deceiving but bc she looks like a nice person doesn't mean she is. BM takes antidepressants and antipsychotics and is always saying she attends therapy, which is 100% untrue and knows how to work the court system very well.
You need to stay out of all
You need to stay out of all communication with her and leave it to DH. He needs to call CPS and not you. Stay as far away from her as possible. She is toxic...As for SS and the lies, get used to it, it just gets worse. I look at it this way, always assume they are lying and then if they are not, that is a nice surprise.
It is very possible the kid
It is very possible the kid could be lying. My xh's daughter did something similar at the same age as your ss. She was telling her mother that my xh was phyicalloy abusing her and my kids. CPS came and at the time, my xh and I were both working in law enfordement. They did their investigation and it turned out that my SD was telling these stories to her mother because it made her mother happy. If she told her mother she was having a good time at our house, her mother would get upset and either go into crying jags or scream at her.
He may be telling you guys these stories because he gets attention and you guys react.
Don't even feel bad about
Don't even feel bad about calling, you did so out of concern for your skids. I imagine he is lying for his mother, covering up because she guilty tripped him into doing so, otherwise she threatened him, who knows but kids don't just make stuff up like that, and with such detail. I bet everything he originally told you is true, considering you mentioned she has a substance abuse problem and the fact he has been late/absent to school so many times that is a huge red flag.
I guess on the other hand there could be a chance he made it up but wouldn't you rather have made the call rather then take the chance in not making one at all and then something horrible happened?