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Crazo never ceases to amaze me!

dragonfly5's picture

She just tried to call my FDH, of course he has not taken a call from in her 3yrs so he lets it go to VM. So then she starts texting him.
Her husband of 4yrs has not had a good December in his business. So he will not be able to pay his half of their bills. She tells my FDH that she will need him to make up the difference. Really, your lack of budgeting and saving is your ex husbands issue?

We laughed so hard I almost wet myself.

Is she really that stupid, to think he would ever giver her more money than he already does. We have the skids 3 days a week, and take care of all their needs when they are with us, and he pays her full child support.

Maybe the next time I'm running short I should send her a text asking her to pay my bills.....OH wait I blocked her years ago.....


Newstep's picture

:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: The nerve!! I swear these dumb ass women really think that because they spit out kids that the FATHERS are responsible for them for life!!!

RedWingsFan's picture

OMG that's nutso. Like BM in our situation wanted DH to pay her car insurance FOREVER since he'd verbally agreed to "help her with it" for the first year after they split. He paid it in full, every month for 14 months. When he called her to let her know that he was done fulfilling his promise to her, she flipped shit and demanded that he continue. He said no, she said it was in the divorce decree. He proved her wrong and quit paying her car insurance that month. Stupid bitch - read your damn divorce papers before demanding ANYTHING.

dragonfly5's picture

Love it! Clearly they can't read. Crazo never knows what holiday or when we will have the kids. She tries to make it up as she wants. My FDH makes her follow it to the letter of law. What the CO says goes, for both of us. When she didn't follow it and withheld the kids one time because he wouldn't do what she wanted. He took her to court and the judge told her he never wanted to see her again. That she must follow it even if she didn't want to. She had an ex that paid his support on time and wanted to see his kids, he had hundred of women everyday that come into his court who would love to have that scenario.

And yes these crazy women think they are owed everything! Because they had the kids.

Guess what Crazo " You didn't call me the golden vagina for nothing" you may have the kids but I have your ex's total devotion, respect, and love. Try beating that you crazy wack job!

Newstep's picture

""Guess what Crazo " You didn't call me the golden vagina for nothing" you may have the kids but I have your ex's total devotion, respect, and love. Try beating that you crazy wack job!""

Love that!!! That is what makes these bitches so crazy we have the love, devotion and respect and they hate it!!! }:) }:)

TASHA1983's picture

Damn right! Our men owe them NOTHING...all they have to do is support their kids, eventhough the majority of the time the CS amount is completely RIDICULOUS that is ALL they are obligated to do. BM even bitched one time about BF changing the visitation schedule from what is listed on the DD, we flat out told her that is a GUIDELINE, there is no one on planet Earth that can MAKE a man take/see his kids!!! Trust me, I know, my sons father is the poster child for that argument!!! LOL

I am sooo glad and thankful my BF wouldn't spit on his XW if she was on fire...he doesn't put up with her shit or skids shit either! She can piss and moan all she damn well pleases but my BF won't and doesn't do a damn thing for her or give in to her demands...and the day he EVER did...I would be G.O.N.E!!! I would never put up with ANY ex or bratty skid coming before me!!!

hereiam's picture


First, the idiocy of her thinking it is her exes responsibility and second, I wonder if her DH knows she's asking her ex to foot his part of the bills. My husband would absolutely die if I asked another guy to pay my husband's share. How humiliating!

3familiesIn1's picture

lol - I am still reeling from BM 3 years ago when SS started Kindergarten and she informed DH that the $900 a month daycare monies should now be given to her as SS was no longer in daycare.

Boy was she pissed when she learned that isn't how it works sweetie.

I guess she thought the payments to the daycare from DH for SS were from her? Guess that is why she tried to claim it on her taxes - um no BM, you didn't pay, DH did, you don't pay, DH does and now the money stays in our pocket you dumbass.

Newstep's picture

Taxes!! I can't believe she tried to claim it what a POS. But I guess it shouldn't surprise me BM who doesn't work thinks she should get to claim SD on taxes :jawdrop: She doesn't work so the only income she has is CS which isn't taxed because SO pays the taxes on it before he gives it to her. WTF :? :?