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In-Laws sucking up

Drac0's picture

DW's FB posts are getting an avalanche of comments from MIL and FIL. All of them being sugary sweet. Oh and FIL put up a meme about being a proud father of a beautiful daughter...( uh, last I checked, he has TWO daughters so how does one react to that). Even my posts are getting more Likes from them.

DW is pretty mum about it, which is unusual for her. Either she is still processing this or not thinking about it at all.

In the meantime, SS is back with us for a bit. He came back from Donkeykong's with a whole box full of junk. Most of it is pictures and arts & crafts stuff he did when he was in elementary school. You can imagine what my reaction to that is, (yay! More stuff to throw out when no one is looking). DW spent last night looking through them and gushing. I left the room hoping to spare myself from it, but DW would find me to show me ( I really suck at hide and seek).

"Oh look at this picture of SS! Isn't he cute?"

Seriously, some of these pictures look like SS was sucking on a lemon...

"Urm...yeah....and he's nice and tall."


Drac0's picture

Donkeykong routinely sends SS home with boxes of crap. His place is just too small and....well...he probably cares less of SS's little trinkets than I do.

Yeah, I don't get what the in-laws are playing at, put I'm keeping my distance!

Sweetnothings's picture

Ugh, years ago BM used to send all this crap home with the skids. Seriously, just how many painted toilet rolls with globs of glitter on can DH get excited about.

My solution was simple, I snapped some digital photos of the better "works of art" and then all that sh** was thrown out. Gave the disc to DH and I guess it got lost or stored, haven't seen it since. I chucked out like five rubbish bags full of crap. Not in my house, especially after this stuff had already been "loved" at BM's House of Filth. Yuk !!

Drac0's picture

That's just sick, and I suspect motivated by a secret BM agenda. Donkeykong to date hasn't done anything like that except make spring cleaning jobs more arduous.