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I think I know why I never dated in High School

Drac0's picture

Actually I only dated a girl in my last year of high school and she was from another school.

Remember Vicky? SS's ex-girlfriend was cute, funny, sweet, and had a good head on her shoulders. I could not, for the life of my understand what she saw in SS.

Vicky called it quits back in January. At least that is when we think they broke up. DW checked her FB status one day and she was listed as "not in a relationship" anymore.

Why Facebook become the first source of info to determine the relationship status of friends and family is subject for another discussion. neighbor has a daughter. She's 13.

Apparently she's got a crush on SS...

My neighbor's daughter, is also a pretty young girl who not only gets straight A's but is very active in sports too. She's also a talented musician. I guess you could call her a "Triple Threat".

All throughout high school, my place in the dating "pecking order" was clear to me. I'm a geek and teen girls don't date geeks. It's law. It was actually written down on the back of the bathroom stall door.

SS is not a geek....He's a....Urm...A tall freakish clown. And I guess tall freakish clowns are a step above geeks in teen-land.

And now, DW is saying "I hope SS and the neighbor's daughter hook up. Wouldn't that be cool?"

Why does she say these things when I am swigging my evening beer!? WHY? I effing hate spewing my beverage on myself and then having to explain to DW why I reacted that way.


Drac0's picture

>school changed, geeks are the hot boys now, not the jocks anymore<

Of all the things you wrote in your comment. I believe this one the least!

I called SS a geek once for liking video games...He cried.

Drac0's picture

No kidding!

I have no musical talent whatsoever. I think the closest I came to playing anything was 3 notes on the recorder.

No saint's picture

All I can say for myself is that I never minded dating geeks. I was half-popular (not cheerleader popular, or such, but popular) but my friends and boyfriends were always the "underdogs". Honestly, looking back, I'm not sure if I did myself a favor, but looks or social aptitudes were never important when making a choice (friends or boyfriends). I always go for the puppy-eyes... and always get screwed (sorry if this word is not allowed here ;)).

No saint's picture

I started with a behavior that I kept during my whole life: the ugly girl would be my best friend, the poorest guys with be close friends... and the more I "helped", the more they sucked out of me. I had a friend, for 6 or more years who saw herself as ugly (she has what we call rabbit teeth). We were true friends, but she was clingy and used me to meet guys. One time I couldn't go out with her for some reason and she "broke up" with me, by letter, telling me that my problem is that I felt I was too good for her. I cannot think of a person, even those who don't know me that well, who would think that.
I think that we are all human and we have the same rights; unfortunately I also think that most really beautiful/ popular kids in HS are jerks and some of the underdogs learn how to take advantage. Please don't take this personal, rutherford, as I'm speaking against myself, for allowing it, and not against those who had the worts time during HS.

No saint's picture

Sometimes I'm over careful not to offend. I said that as I was saying that sometimes people who go through hell during HS years tend to learn how to take advantage and wanted to make sure you knew I was speaking in general terms.

Drac0's picture

No Saint, back in my 20's when I was busy painting the town red. I had a friend who was a pretty good looking dude. No matter where we went he was a magnet and the girls just flocked to him. If both him and I had our eyes set on the same girl, it was no contest. He would always be the one to score, or get the girl's number. I didn't mind. I was his wingman. We always had fun.

The one time, and I do mean, the ONE time a girl took interest in me and NOT him, his universe was thrown assunder. He was acting like I had skinned him of his precious ego and pissed on it. I never went out with him again.

No saint's picture


No saint's picture

Yep... that's what happened when I was "courted" by 2 best friends and I ended up choosing the geek. We were just kids and I never regretted it: sadly my "boyfriend" (it was actually just holding hands) died some months ago (heart failure and I witnessed). The "hot" friend remains a friend of mine, remains hot and is now a university teacher with a post-doc degree. He is also single and conceited.
It was 20 something years ago and i still treasure having made the poor "geek" happy for the last months of his life. Dating geeks may have its rewards. Smile

IamexhaustedSM's picture

No rutherford. I never would have thought that about you. You are adorable in personality and looks.

I did not give a hoot about anyone's "social status" in school. I was the one that hung with every type. Some hours I hung with my "burnout" friend. Some hours I hung with my "smart & classy nerd" friends. Some days I hung with my "we skip school, drink beer and smoke" friends. I was everyone's friend in school and outside of school. I never did hang with the jocks, cheerleaders or dancerettes (they were stuck up, stuck on themselves and total snobs) I did have one cheerleader friend because she was real and true. Smile

I also hung with all ages from freshman to seniors. I was the type that stuck up for anyone being bullied except one chic. I always stuck up for her but I did not know her personally. Then one day someone made a comment about her, I stuck up for her and next thing I know she starts going off on me. Well, that is when I flipped my shit on her. She stunk molded clothes and shit, like everyday. Her clothes were dirty. Her skin was nasty greasy. Really now that I think about it she was like most of the nasty skids we read about on here. I have a sharp tongue so she did not stand a chance against me. I felt bad but then I was like damn this chic had one person that took up for her and she tried me.


EvilAngel's picture

I should have dated the geeks. I dated the jocks and they were all assholes.

tiny kitten's picture

Meh. Sometimes the geeks were arseholes, too. I still haven't forgiven my first boyfriend for cheating on me with my best friend. Joke's on him, because in the end, SHE wouldn't sleep with him either.

EvilAngel's picture

My BF is HS cheated on me with one of my friends too! That asshole stills tries to get me to go out with him to this day. He's married and he knows I am too. Such a loser...

EvilAngel's picture

He and I were supposed to get married... Engaged at 16. I'm REALLY glad I didn't make that mistake!

IamexhaustedSM's picture

OMG NOT the neighbors daughter. That could make for some real uncomfortable comings and goings as you pass by your neighbor!!!! I was uncomfortable with my neighbors just because I know they saw skids comings and goings and I am sure heard DH screaming at his monsters.

"Tall freakish clown" I love that description! AHS clowns come to mind LOL

AllySkoo's picture

Maybe it's a regional thing, but where I'm from "hook up" means sex, nothing more. So I'd have done the spit-take on those grounds alone! Wink

Maybe these girl have a thing for underdogs? The classic goofball screw-up underachievers who could turn into Prince Charming for the right girl? (BLECH, by the way. But teen girls are dumb by definition, for the most part.)

Drac0's picture

"hook up" may mean sex in my region too for all I know. I'm not well versed in teen-speak.

"Going out with"?
"Become an item"?
"Claim exclusivity"?

No one says the word "dating" anymore.

Drac0's picture

It's impossible for me (or any guy I know) to have a lady-friend and not have EVERYONE assume that we're an item.

Acquaintance: "So are you guys married?"
Me: "Oh no! We are not in a relationship. We're just friends."
Lady Friend: "Yes! Drac0 and I are just friends."
Acquaintance: "Ah, I see, so guys planning on having kids?"

Yup....This convo actually happened at a party once.

Later I said to my lady friend "When I told this dude that we were NOT in a relationship....was I speaking English?"