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Congratulations (to achievements BIG and small)

Drac0's picture


I think the timing is right. Apart from my sincere congratulations to all of you who have made those small (yet pivotal) accomplishments in your lives, I want to extend a congratulations to my SS for making it to the "achievement board" at his tutoring facility. He had a writing assignment that was so good that the tutor posted it on the wall for all to see.

I am actually curious and can't wait to see it!


GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Hear hear! Good for your SS. I wish SS15 could even THINK to put some effort into school! Alas!

Drac0's picture

The tutoring services really seem to be helping.

Now will it be enough for SS to actually pass? I don't know, but my only regret is not getting DW (and her ex) to agree to doing this sooner.

Drac0's picture

That's awesome! You're the second person on these boards to do this.

Might I inquire as to what your masterpiece is about?

Drac0's picture

Sounds epic!

And it is only 40 pages? You couldn't throw in some ninjas in there or something to beef it up a little? LOL

I might just check it out.