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Are teenagers this clueless?

Drac0's picture

SS got himself into a whole mess of trouble with us last week. Apart from skipping school on Wednesday, on Thursday morning, when DW went to go wake him up, she discovered his cell phone by his pillow. He had been up all night texting. DW was blaming herself for this one because she normally makes sure all his electronics is out of his room before he turns in. She forgot and SS took this as a “green light” to stay up all night to text on his phone. Then on top of that, he stays behind Friday afternoon to hang out with his friends despite DW specifically asking him to come home straight after school because she needed SS’s help with picking BS and BD from daycare.

When SS finally did come home Friday, he went straight into his room and crashed. We woke him up to have supper but he didn’t want to eat and DW had to prod him into eating.

Needless to say neither myself nor DW are pleased with him.

Then, after SS finally finished supper, he has the nerve to ask if his friend can come over to spend the weekend with us.

DW and I looked at each other in bewilderment.

DW took the helm here and said “SS, you don’t seem to realize how much trouble you are in. You skipped school on Wednesday. Last night you were up all night and today you didn’t come home straight after school after I specifically told you to do so because I needed your help!”

SS just looked at his mother quizzically and said. “Okay then, can I go to my friends house to spend the weekend there instead?”


amber3902's picture

Yes, teenagers are this clueless, especially the ones that have ADHD but aren't given any medication to help them with it.

I could totally see my D15 asking something like this. They just can't make the connection.

Tuff Noogies's picture

too funny. i think some really are just airheads. something about certain areas of the brain not catching up yet, maybe?

mss pulled a good one on saturday. we had the (undecorated and bagged up) 7 foot tall christmas tree still up, dh had not had time to trash it yet at the dump. so i held the bagged tree while dh unscrewed the stand, then he took it out to his vehicle. mss comes downstairs "omg wheres the christmas tree?" i said "mss, dear, think it through." "oh..... um.... trash?" "yes, son." i could virtually smell the smoke as his brain tried to process this. then he says "how did you guys get it to fit in the trash can?"


Drac0's picture

SS has this nasty tendency to ask us what day it is. DW and I refuse to answer him. I told him "Your cell phone is synchonized to the UTC clock. The date is printed clearly on the home screen!" to which SS responds with "I am not good with dates"....Why? because it involves READING!?!?

Tuff Noogies's picture

yss too! he's forever asking "what time is it?"

he'll ask in the kitchen/dining room. there's a clock on the stove and a clock about the light switch.

he'll walk out of the bathroom- there's a clock IN the bathroom above the light switch.

he's got his ipod attached to his hand at all times. there's a clock on it.


and both him and mss are straight a students. super book smart, but not so much on common sense....

Drac0's picture

I've written about this here before but I suppose it is worth me repeating. SS last year asked once in the middle of class, "Are we Saturday today?" to which the teacher politely answered "No SS we are Wednesday today...." My God! I remember once asking my teacher back in the day what the date was and the girl sitting next to me said "Drac0? Are you retarded?" The WHOLE class (including the teacher) laughed! I never asked anyone the date/time after that!

Tuff Noogies's picture

ah the good ol' days of kids teaching kids. Smile

my dh will always answer just like your ss's teacher did. i usually just give them a deer-in-the-headlights look. when mss asked that question about the christmas tree, i told him "dude, i'm not even gonna answer that one."

"are you retarded?" what an awesome response from her }:) but hey, you learned!!!

Willow2010's picture

SS just looked at his mother quizzically and said. “Okay then, can I go to my friends house to spend the weekend there instead?”
I REALLY REALLY hope that your wife went insane over this? My son would have NEVER had the nerve to say something that stupid.

Your SS will continue to act this way until your DW makes a stand.

Drac0's picture

I *think* DW may be coming around. I say *think* because DW is working full time now and cannot answer her cell during the day. SS knows this but I swear, you would think that kid lost his life line!

*call* no answer
*call* no answer
*text* mom u there? no answer
*text* need 2 talk 2 u no answer
*call* no answer
*text* MOM! call me! no answer<

He does this practically EVERY. DAY. and usually it's for some stupid question like "where are my blue jeans?", "have you seen my wallet?", "What day are we today?" etc. It is really annoying DW now but what does she expect? You can't cure learned helplessness overnight.

Drac0's picture


I had to make a similar list in order to cover the homework angle.

Me: "Have you finished you homework?"

SS: "Yes."

Me: "Really? You finished ALL your homework?"

SS: "Yes."

Me: "Including your reading?"

SS: "Yes."

Me: "Including any studying for upcoming tests?"

SS: "Yes."

me: "Including any preparatory work for projects?"

SS: "Yes....uh....actually I have to write an outline for my science project."

Me: "Then you are NOT done with your homework!"

amber3902's picture


You responded to almost everyone else that commented on this blog except me. I notice every time I say that your SS needs medication you don't respond.

Are you choosing to ignoring this advice?

I've told you before when you told that story about your SS asking "are we Saturday?" that my D15 would say something like that, who I currently have on medication for ADHD. To be exact, ADHD, primarily inattentive.

It seems you don't want to consider the possibility of medication for a boy who sounds like he clearly needs it.

Drac0's picture

No I'm not ignoring this advice amber. SS has another "problem" that DW wants to take him to see the doctor for but I don't really want to talk about it here. I want to hear what the doctor has to say first before I start discussing it on these forums.

amber3902's picture

Okay, I understand.

I know medication is a stigma for some people, but in some situations it should be considered.

zerostepdrama's picture

Typical teenage stuff... to me at least. Do I agree with it or think it's right, no. But it seems like the norm these days with kids.