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SD15 is a compulsive liar

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Last Sunday morning I started my work day off with SS12 lying to my face. This morning I started work stewing about SD15 lying to my DH face last night.

Its not just the lying, but her sneakyness that gets under my skin. Saturday morning me and DH had some left over coffee in the pot. Princess came downstairs before anybody else got up, put a spoonful of coffee grounds in a filter and brewed just 1 cup to replace what she took. Me and DH always take the filter of grounds out as soon as the coffee is done brewing because we leave the coffee in the pot throughout the day to drink. While princess was out all day ramming around, we were cleaning up the coffee pot and asked each other if either one of us put 1 spoonful of coffee in to brew. Nope. Wasn't us. I'm pretty sure it wasn't the boys. I know for a fact it was princess.

DH said that he would tell her that if she can't have coffee on a regular basis like throughout the week, but if she wants 1 cup on the weekend, she can have one. Don't try and sneak a cup and no need to replace it. I specifically told him not to ask her if she did it and to just tell her. But he did. He asked her. The girl can't tell the truth when you ask her what she had for dinner. She didn't do it. She didn't have a cup of coffee. It was like that when she came downstairs that morning. AHHHHHHHH!!!!!

I let it go last night but you better believe when DH wakes up we will have a talk about it and he will be telling HIS daughter that if she can't tell the truth about a simple cup of coffee, she's not old enough to drink any.

I know that she particularly doesn't just tell the occasional fib. She has a disorder and I know it can not be dealt while her BIO mother is in the picture. Her lying has been a huge issue in this house. I am at my wits end with this child. Can anyone feel my pain?????


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