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I hope this helps you!

DontCallMeStepmom16's picture

I had a rough day yesterday with the skids. I am not a "religious" type of person so to speak, but I do pray and believe in God. I came across an article last night that put some things into perspective. It changed my mood, and if your skids are putting you through hell right now, I hope this can change your mind set for the moment. Even just a little.

"Continuing to trust God is the key to victory in painful and seemingly unjust situations. We must be willing to submit to His plan at all times. The plan that God has for us eventually changes us into His image. We are destined to be molded into His image. That may sound spiritual, but in reality, it usually hurts. Keep your mind going in the right direction, and your life will catch up with it."

There is a reason why we are all going through what we are going through right now. I know this is hard, and living with what us "step parents" have to go through on a daily basis is hard, but let's face it. These skids are not going to change. Period. They are who they are and probably enjoy seeing us pissed off. We have to work on ourselves for US! I myself am done going bat shit crazy in my own home.

God Bless
