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OMG. Someone talk me down, please.

doll faced sm's picture

I got to talk to DH tonight, and I'm slowly being sucked back into step-drama. Damn it! I don't want to be. I no longer have any income, and even when I did, we only lived paycheck to paycheck - mainly b/c of the ammt. of CS he pays. He is absolutely convinced we can save up for a lawyer.

I sent him and email about what happened in regards to SS and MIL. MIL is seriously mentally ill; she makes shit up if it suits her purpose (so does the Plague; I was hedging my bets on MIL this time. Guess I was wrong). So he called MIL, and she gave her side of the story which is that she dropped SS's toys off where the Plague works, and the Plague informed MIL that she was going to donate them to Goodwill and would not allow SS to have the gift card for his b-day; in fact, they didn't plan on getting him shit for his b-day.

I am super suspicious of this story b/c:
1 - when last we talked, she didn't want to have anything to do with all this, and was even threatening to just leave it all there for the post office to throw out.
2 - the Plague loves money in whatever form it comes to her. No way in hell she'd pass up a gift card no matter who it came from.
3 - MIL was pissed DH sent SS a gift card in the first place.

But, you know, MIL is absolutely telling DH the truth so far as he's concerned, so now he wants to get a lawyer we CAN NOT afford. I know that MIL is just shit-stirring, but DH can't see it. MIL got what she wanted, and now DH is all worked up. What MIL really wants is unencumbered access to SS, and she thinks that if DH has custody, she'll get that. Oh, MIL, you silly, silly bitch; you really thought making an enemy of me would suit your purposes? I dare you to show up at my door step and expect to be let into my home. Dare you.


just.his.wife's picture

Hm. Maybe your MIL should put her checkbook where her mouth is: have your DH ask her to pay for the attorney.

whatwasithinkin's picture

i have one MIL, one FIL, and 9 brothers and sisters that I dare to show up at my home. FIL did the other day and I noticed DH got to the door before he got inside...