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He wrote back

doll faced sm's picture

Got a text from DD Bio-Dad. Says he wants to meet up with her while we're in town and text him when we get into town to work something out. I guess as long as it's on my dime and not his, he wants a r/s. I haven't told DD; I don't want a repeat of last year. I think I'll arrange to meet up at a park or something, that way if he doesn't show, so far as DD is concerned, we just had a good time at a park.


Yosemite's picture

I think you are awesome for arranging this for your daughter! I also think it's a good idea not to get her hopes up in case he flakes out. I hope everything goes well and I will be praying for you guys, if you don't mind.

overworkedmom's picture

I have mixed feelings on this one Doll face! Part of me thinks that you should give DD a chance to voice her feelings about seeing him. She may not want to. I was given the chance to see my Biodad when I was like 9 or 10. I had not seen him since I was 3. I was scared of him and didn't want to. I am still glad to this day that I was given a choice. I reached out to him as an adult, and found 1st hand what a monster he was. I am not saying your ex is like that at all, but I think that once a child is abandoned there is something empowering to be given a choice like that. She may need that.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Yea, it's a tough one. On the one hand, I think doll face is handling it very well; trying to arrange a meet up at a park so that if he doesn't show, DD doesn't get her feelings dashed. But, on the other hand, what if DD doesn't want to see him? Tricky :/

doll faced sm's picture

Thanks, ladies. She has said things that make me believe she still wants to meet him, most recently asking if there was a chance we'd run into him. I can't really give her the choice and keep it a secret, though. I think the possibility of being hurt by being let down again is pretty high if she knows.