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Hello :)

Disgusted_Wmn's picture

I had a long introductory blog post typed out yesterday and it disappeared. Anyway, how's everyone today?


EvilAngel's picture

Other than it being hot and humid, I'm good today. The new Orange is the New Black is on Netflix and I'm having a marathon! How is your day?

Disgusted_Wmn's picture

Yep, love that show too! I got a text message that it was available early. I'm kinda meh today, but I'll be alright. Hope the rest of your evening is good. Smile

WTF...REALLY's picture

So far so good. Just got off the phone with my ex about our kids. Talk went well. Thankfully we have a decent relationship for the last 3 years.

How is your day?

Disgusted_Wmn's picture

That's the hope is for people to be able to communicate in civility. Good that ya'll have a decent co-parenting situation going on. I'm kinda just icky with health issues but I'll be better tomorrow. I'm thinking of trying to re-type my introductory blog entry.