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How do I get rid of the hate inside of me?

Delmom2's picture

I have gotten to the point that if I don't write this down I will explode. I have a BD (20) and BS (17) and my DH is a fabulous SD. We are truly a family. The problem is with my 2 SDs (30 and 33). They take, take, take and ask, ask ask. They use our home as a free vacation many times a year because once they get to CA everything is paid for for them. They have no student loans, we have subsidized their rents when they were starting out and unemployed and they both have no shame in asking for us to pay for things for them. I must admit that my DH has gotten better at saying no to them but they call and butter him up and they always get something in the end. It sickens me to watch it unfold. Just recently my DH's satanic mother passed away. She had always told him that all three of her children would split her estate. Well, she left 2/3 to his brother and sister and left my DH $1. The remaining 1/3 went to my SDs, one million dollars. She is probably laughing in hell, she always loved to stir up trouble and because I have a great job and we have a beautiful house she probably thought she would just give It to the kids. The problem is I am the main breadwinner of the family and all that we have and all that we spend is because of me. I resent all the money that went to his kids because my DH kept telling me one day he would get the inheritance. Now I have my own 2 to put through college and I cantvstop hating his two spoiled over indulged brats. I don't know if I love my DH more than I hate my SDs. If I don't want to end up paying him $5K a month alimony I need to get out before we are married 10 years. My own children will suffer if we divorce, they love him very much and I love him but I don't want my SDs in my life anymore.


oldone's picture

Just remove them from your life. No email, conversations, visits, FB - NOTHING.

Do you want to live with your SO or not? If not - just leave. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Kes's picture

I am not surprised you feel like exploding, I felt like it just reading your post. We live in a small house and don't go on foreign holidays, because of the obscene amount of CS that DH pays for his 2 daughters, but this will end soon.
I can't believe your husband has to pay that much alimony to his exW. Do whatever you have to to avoid getting caught up with this - divorce if necessary. You have my sympathy.

Kes's picture

Ah yes, I misunderstood. All the same - this would be a terrible position to be in. Doesn't really happen much (alimony) in the UK where I live - although obviously we have CS.

Delmom2's picture

Thanks for all your support. My DH says he never wants to have anything to do with them but I know an event will occur in the future and they will be back in his life. We have $1,800 left on SD 2's student loan and wrote a very nice note saying that we have changed the address to hers and it is $110/ month, in light of the situation she should finish paying it. Well, her new husband wrote the vilest letter to my husband and has been calling our cell phones non stop with abusive messages. Maybe my DH really is serious about not wanting anything to do with them now that he is seeing this behavior. He was in the hospital earlier this week from all the stress and the girls know that, guess they're trying to kill him!!

Delmom2's picture

My mother in law left my husband $1 to cause all this trouble. She always loved conflict!