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Hubby's defending daughter's behaviour!

Dee015's picture

You will not believe this one,hubby has an appointment with his doctor today as he will be having an op soon,now he tells me i cannot go with to his appointment because his daughters wanna go with for support.And since things are what they are between me and them,I should not be at his doctors appointment.Iam so mad ,i am ready to pounce,is this what our life is going to be like from now on I have asked him,and was just told try and understand my position!!!!!!!!


dodgegal05's picture

A soon to be divorced man? That's a easy position to understand I suppose. He is being a Dick and needs to realize what consequences could come out of this.

dodgegal05's picture

I mean that he wants you to understand his position which is a man that would have divorce papers served for acting like this. He could lose his wife and marriage bc he is putting you after them in priority.

Helena.Handbasket's picture

I actually do believe this. These men should just marry the daughters and get it over with.

napamom's picture

I would under no circumstances allow this to happen. You and your marriage MUST come first. He is being a complete moron and will soon find himself alone with his needy daughters. Helena's right!

Hanny's picture

If he wants his precious daughter with at the appointment, then she can be with him after the surgery and take care of him. Make arrangements to go out of town after surgery and let her take care of him.