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decofru's picture

My heart is so faint, i feel so hopeless and disheartened. Yesterday around 9pm BM calls DH and says am leaving for Dubai in October and daaaah it's already October. She has been staying with SS 12 from last year September during the school teerm, he has been coming to us every weekend and the whole school break. How can she make plans to leave to another country without first discussing it with DH and asking him if he is okay with living with SS full time? I hate the fact that this woman has the power to influence my life and am finding it hard to accept it. I really cannot see myself going back to being a step parent and a step family FULL TIME, I can see myself losing my sanity, my happiness, going back to being depressed, frustrated, unhappy, annoyed and angry on a day to day basis. Home will no longer feel like home anymore, i probably will start staying at work till late just dreading going back home, there will no longer be comfort, privacy or peace in my home.

With SS coming only on weekends and school holidays a lot of problems had been minimised and i loved that we had a lot of time to be just a nuclear family just me DH and our bio son, now to give that up to become a step family every day. SS is still a manipulative liar, he will pit us against each other with his lies, he already has an atttitude guess it has to do with approaching teenage, we will no longer have privacy, all of my flaws and all of our fights or whatever happens he will tell it all to MIL (including lies )whenever she visits and so I will be naked in front of her, I can see myself competing with SS for DH's attention every day, he doesn't shut up he is so annoying every second it's daddy this daddy that. I know very well DH is a louzy parent and he will leave the parenting and disciplining all to me, SS will become my problem.

Does BM know how she will affect my life and my marriage by dumping her kid? She knows she just doesn't care she just wants to be free of her motherly responsibilities and she can enjoy her relationship without the step family drama as she wouldnt be bringing a child from the prev relationship into the relationship, she and her boyfriend can have their own nuclear family and i cant because she is leaving me to take her role as a mother in her child's life, yet i took no part in creating that child or raising him to be a fuck up the way she did, its not fair! its not fair!. I knew she would eventually leave the country to run away from her child. So i will be stuck with DH forever, that means we need to get a bigger apartment to accomodate SS and i plan to have another child i only have one with DH so what will that mean for us financially? an even bigger house with five bedrooms?

What about ever getting the house to ourselves? There is no where we can send SS on weekends or whenever we need some time alone, his mother doesn't have relatives who care enough about him to allow him to visit and his father also doesn't have any relatives who can accomodate SS, its only the paternal grandma that he can visit only during the school break and she lives three hours away from us. So no more weekends alone. I can always take our bio son to my mom or to my sister's place or to my aunts place, i have a lot of relatives who don't mind having my son over but SS has no where to go and i cannot take him to my relatives with bio son because some people are not usually accepting of step kids and SS is not a pleasant kid to have around,no one wants a kid they have to keep cleaning up after, he is a messy person.

BM is not even going to financially support her child, she is dumping her child and going to live in another state as a free motherless woman, that means DH will have to financially support SS 100% and our child together 50% how is that fair? Money is already a problem, we have so many financial obligations so BM dumping SS is just adding to our financial challenges. 

I really hope BM is just messing around, is there a law that can stop BM from leaving the country? I don't care if she wants to leave the country as long as she takes her child with her. I just feel weak and sick. I don't know if i can accept this, it's like taking two steps back and starting all over again. When will i ever catch a break? For how long will BM abandon her child five years? ten years? or forever? For how long will SS stay with us? I have heard of adult step kids who are 30 and still staying in their parent's marital home, i don't know what the future holds anymore, i don't know what tomorrow brings whether its peace or insanity, is it going to get better or worse? Do i stay to find out? I just feel like am being forced back into wearing tight shoes that don't fit and i don't know for how long. I am not a full time step parent material and i have never been so i don't think it will work and i don't know what to do about it cause i can't handle being unhappy and miserable every day in my own home. Full time step mom or step family, is not the life i want or the life i can make peace with, i hate my life already. Fact that we now have to include SS in almost everything makes me sick.How can we exclude him when he will be with us full time, can i just say SS i want to take DH and our bio son out for family dinner this weekend so you will have to stay behind? OFcourse I can't so its kissing goodbye to anytime or outing as a nuclear family and that gives me no peace.


tog redux's picture

I don't get these selfish parents who can just gallivant off and not care a bit about their child. No - you can't make her stay, as long as DH will take the child, she's free to go.  I've never understood how Family Law allows one parent to take off free and clear of any parenting responsibilities, as long as they are the first one to get out the door, and the other one is stuck with full-time care of the child or be charged with neglect. 

I'll assume there is no Child Support agreement between your country and Dubai?  Can't imagine there would be.

You said your SS is a teen, how close is he to 18?

decofru's picture

Exactly the first one out of the door gets to escape all responsibilities. My SS is turning 12 this December so he is turning 18 six years from now and even when that happens his father will not kick him out of the house, maybe he will be one of those adult's skids who turn 30 still unemployed and with no direction still living with their parent and asking for money from them, how can i ever survive such? I hope i wont end up with anxiety attacks and depression because of this step life, there is just so much to worry about and nothing is ever certain. I don't know if it's going to get better or worse if only i knew, i would then make a decision. Is it worth it if im going to be unhappy and miserable day to day?

Chmmy's picture

Thats my life. BM took off with her boyfriend and left us with 4 kids while she enjoys her relationship im dealing with step hell.


Siemprematahari's picture

Does your H have any idea how you feel about SS and the entire situation? If not you will need to have a serious conversation with him before this child comes to live with you (if it happens). You have to tell him that you are there as a support but he needs to step it up and PARENT his child. He has to be consistent and show SS their are appropriate consequences to misbehavior and disrespect. Do not take this on or your H will hold you to it. You need to make it clear to H how unhappy you are with the possibility of all this and ask him what he will do to make this transition smoother for everyone if indeed it does happen.

Is H able to get CS from her? How can BM just up and leave & not physically and financially care for her child??

Wishing you a positive outcome in all this!

decofru's picture

DH thinks it will be better when BM is gone that way she can no longer negatively influence SS, i know for a fact DH cannot properly parent his child, it's not in him, he leaves him to make a mess and not clean it up, he allows him to not wash his sneakers for months, he lets him leave the bath tub dirty after bathing and a whole lot of wrong things, his excuse is he needs help because a man cannot parent like a woman. He doesn't know what standards to set for his child or what is appropriate and what is not he does not have the time to be consistent, to follow up on the child and monitor him he just ignores a lot of things, so yeah guess that's where i come in, if i dont step up then i allow my house to be a pigsty, i allow DH to be a menance in my home or having to constantly nag DH to correct and discipline SS all the time and he wont even discipline him effeciently. So yah i have to accept that SS becomes my problem, i have to parent him for my own sake so that he becomes a decent person who will be a good role model for my bio child who is always copying what his brother does. So i have to groom SS according to my standards and expectations as the mother in the house so we dont clash and have problems.

Disneyfan's picture

Wait, your son is your husband's son???  If you truly believe that your husband is a useless father, why would you have a child with him?  Why raise your child in a home with a useless father?

I feel sorry for your SS, BOTH of his parents have checked out on parenting. Your son is lucky to have one decent parent.

shamds's picture

Basic hygiene and manners etc are standard things your own hubby would have used to coax you into a relationship right?

geez he married with another woman, i assume he knows how you are as a person, how you raise your kids and accepts there needs to be consistency in the home so there is harmony.

there is no sugarcoating the predicament you are in now.: you just gotta be blunt with hubby and say you will not be a babysitter and anytime ss is home, what the basic rules or expectations are...

my ss shunned me and still does and avoids our kids (his 2 half siblings), he pretends we all don’t exist. Hubby laid down the law that he can’t lock himself in his bedroom. Him having the privilege of a bedroom means certain things need to happen. Ss21 idea of interacting with our family is sitting on the sofa staring at the tiled floors. 

When he knows hubby is about to come home or he hears hubby opening the front door he runs to the sofa and sits there so hubby thinks he’s been there for ages. I try to quickly get ready for bed and relax in the privacy of my room 

decofru's picture

DH knows how i feel he says he will take SS to boarding school, in 2021 but my fear is he cannot afford boarding school and it will be a financial strain. Other option is for SS to stay with his paternal grandmother and visit us on weekdns and school holidays like he has been doing while staying with his mom but i doubt DH can afford paying rent, bills and buying groceries for two house holds.

ESMOD's picture

Why on earth would he send his child off to boarding school instead of rasising him?  I mean, the risk was alwasy there that BM could DIE.. run off.. whatnot.  Your husband is responsible for raising his child.  I can't see any good coming from him sending him away to boarding school.  Does he not work locally?

Disneyfan's picture

Why is all of your anger directed at BM?  Your husband is planning to do the exact thing BM has done.  He is about coming up with a plan to dump his child off on someone else.  The only good thing is that he will support his kid financially.

Your husband and BM are two peas in a pod.


Siemprematahari's picture

If your H is not capable of raising his son than the child needs to go to Dubai with his mother. Tell H that you are not an option and I'd also make it known that you won't take this type of responsibility on. You already know what this all will entail, should you take this on. Do you want to live the best years of your life raising this child and his father behind the scenes allowing you to do all the heavy lifting while his head is buried in the sand? This kid wasn't birthed by you and for your H to lay HIS responsibility on your lap is a hill to die on.

Harry's picture

when he has two worthless parents.  Junta don’t let DH do to you what BM did to him.  Don’t let DH dump the kid on you. Let the kid live with GM.  Maybe DH needs to get a second job to pay for it.  A least he will be doing something.