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Get this..

ddakan's picture

My kids thought I had them for Christmas this year and we were all excited and looking forward to it. The ex informed me yesterday that he gets Thanksgiving and Christmas this year. So I left and cried because it shocked me. But I didn't throw a fit.

My kids like to watch their littlest brother with DH open his presents. They are as sick of the "papers" as I am. They are 19, 18, and 12. The girls talked to their dad and arranged for them to do Christmas early over there so they could be here for our big family get together.

The ex just called me and said they arranged it where I could have Christmas and was really nice about it. I thanked him because he didn't have to do that, he was entitled to the kids.

Wow, a few years ago we couldn't cooperate at all and we lived by the letter of the law. Its good that we have finally gotten to a point of peace and kindness again. I really appreciate it.


ddakan's picture

Oh yea, and when I told DH I didn't have the kids, and he saw I was crying, he said, get over it, you see them all the time and spend lots of time with them. They live 15 minutes away!

I agree, he's right, but geez no compassion for me on that one.